Wednesday, January 03, 2007

In 1971, the 26th Amendment was added to the Constitution. This amendment
lowered the voting age from 21, to 18.

Today, some people are considering lowering the voting age past the age of 18,
to 16, and possibly 14. What do you think? Should the voting age be lowered?

Using the websites listed, research articles related to this topic. Then, based
on your research, create a FIVE PARAGRAPH PERSUASIVE ESSAY that discusses
whether or not you thnk the voting age should be lowered. You must make sure
that your essay has a:

1. Strong Introduction that explains your position clearly

2. Strong Conclusion that accurately summarizes your position

3. A minimum of THREE body paragraphs that help support your position

Assignment Due Date: This assignment is due NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY JANUARY 10, 2007

GRADING: This assignment will be graded as a test, and count towards
your second trimester mark. Students failing to hand in the assignment on, or
before January 10, 2007 will receive a grade of ZERO.


Good Luck! See you Wednesday!