Sunday, September 14, 2008

APUSH HW 9/15/08

Hello, Everyone:

Hope that you are all enjoying your new textbooks, and review books.

Here's tonight's assignment:

1. Click on the links below, and LISTEN to EACH ONE!
Reading #1
Reading #2 - The Puritans
Reading #3 - The Middle Colonies

2. READ and Outline Review Book Chapter 2

3.Complete Multiple Choice Questions on pp. 36 and 37.


HW Periods 2 and 4 9/15/08

Abuse, or Punishment?

There's a big difference between the two.

At the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the colonists who favored a break from England claimed that the British government was abusing their rights, and that they had the right to break free from England.

Although this is the story on which our country was founded, others have made the case that the Colonists were like children who misbehaved, and that the English government was right in attempting to punish them for their actions.

What do you think? Do you think that the colonists were justified in resisting the English, and eventually declaring their freedom? Write your thoughts here in a brief post. I look forward to hearing from you.