Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Test FRIDAY - Great Depression/New Deal/1920's

40 Multiple Choice

Here's what you need to know!
  • What the contributions of Langston Hughes and Duke Ellington show about the Harlem Renaissance
  • Why the 1920's are called the "Roaring 20's"
  • Which change in the buying habits of American consumers occurred during the 1920's?
  • Which factor contributed most to the repeal of national Prohibition in 1933?
  • What National Prohibition, as authorized by the 18th Amendment, stated 
  • What The Sherman Antitrust Act, the Social Security Act, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) are examples of
  • major long-term result of the New Deal
  • What FDR supported after he became President in 1933 
  • Why conservatives opposed the New Deal 
  • What was the HARLEM RENAISSANCE 
  • view of government's role in the United States economy during the 1920's
  • The 1925 trial of John Scopes reflects the conflict between?
  • major purpose for the creation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) 
  • Why President Herbert Hoover's refused to provide funds for the unemployed during the Depression 
  • difference between the administrations of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and President Herbert Hoover 
  • What the Dust Bowl experiences of the Oklahoma farmers during the Great Depression demonstrated 
  • During President Franklin D. Roosevelt's first term, what was the greatest obstacle to his New Deal programs?
  • Which groups were most helped by the Wagner Act and the Fair Labor Standards Act, passed during the New Deal?
  • Langston Hughes, Bessie Smith, and Duke Ellington are most closely associated with...
  • How did Franklin D. Roosevelt change the federal government's role in the economy?
  • What did the repeal of national Prohibition in 1933 show?
  • How did President Franklin D. Roosevelt's respond to the Supreme Court decisions that declared several New Deal laws unconstitutional?
  • What was a major result of Prohibition in the United States during the 1920s?
  • What was a goal of many Harlem Renaissance writers?
  • What the Immigration Act of 1924 and the Sacco-Vanzetti trial were examples of 
  • During the New Deal, what was the main purpose of the Agricultural Adjustment Acts? 
  • What did The National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act) of 1935 gave labor unions the right to do? 
  • What conditions in the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression of the 1930s? 
  • What was a major goal of the Government in creating the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) 
  • Why movies were popular during the Great Depression
Here's some helpful study information: