Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tonight's HW 12/17/08

Based on your viewing of "When the Levees Broke:"

1. Which agency, or part of the gov't is most responsive to the emergency? Why do you think it was effective, and how did it compare to other agencies and response organizations?
2. What point does the film-maker seem to be making about leadership?
3. What is the "Cajun Navy?" Why was it needed?
4. How do you evaluate President Bush's statement "no one anticipated the breach of the levees?"
5. How did you respond to the images of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police arriving in New Orleans before the Federal Government?
6. How does the lack of response reflect upon the local, state and federal governments?
7. Do you believe, or are you convinced that that the Federal government had no warning that Katrina would be so destructive?
8. How did President Bush famously praise FEMA director Michael Brown? How does the film-maker communicate his view of this praise?
9. What did President Johnson do when Hurricane Betsy hit New Orleans?