Sunday, April 15, 2018

Imperialism Exam Study Guide

Hello, All:

We will have an exam on Chapter 18, this coming Tuesday.  The exam will consist of 40 questions.  15 matching questions, and 25 multiple choice. 

The vocab terms (matching section) can be found in your homework packet. 

Multiple Choice:
Why Commodore Matthew Perry’s visit to Japan was important to the United States
the main goal of those who supported United States imperialism was to...
Why news organizations owned by Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst were engaging in yellow journalism before the Spanish-American War...
One result of the Spanish-American War of 1898
Why The Spanish-American War (1898) marked a turning point in United States foreign policy
A primary reason for the establishment of the Open Door policy (1899)
Why there was increased interest in building a canal across Central America in the late 1800
Why after the Spanish-American War, the United States saw the need to build the Panama Canal
How President Theodore Roosevelt’s Big Stick policy was used by the United States
What The Big Stick policy and Dollar Diplomacy were attempts to do...
During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, what motivated the US's intervention of the United States in Latin America?
Places to Study:
1.  Chapter 18 of textbook
2.  Packet from class
3.  Class notes