Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Hello, RUSHers:

On Friday, we will have an exam on the Cold War. It will consist of 50 multiple choice questions, and a DBQ Short Answer Section.

The questions for the exam will be taken, for the most part, DIRECTLY from the regents-prep website.

Topics 6b and 7a will comprise the source of the questions.

Here is a link to the multiple choice question bank

Here is a link to the old exams. I will be taking the DBQ from one of the old exams. Hint: It will be based on the Cold War.

HW 5/18

Hello, RUSHers:

Here's tonight's HW.

1. If you didn't finish the Multiple Choice Section of the Practice Regents Exam, please do so tonight for HW. I/We will check your answers tomorrow in class. Here's a link to the exam.

2. If you'd like to continue on, please feel free to complete the thematic, and DBQ sections. I will be happy to grade those for you as well.