Monday, December 22, 2008

Winter Break Assignments 12/24/08-1/5/09

All assignments are DUE when you return on January 5, 2009. No stories, no excuses.

Assignment #1: READ, and OUTLINE the following pages in your BLUE REVIEW BOOKS.

  • Pages 68-72
  • Chapter 9 pp. 90-100
  • Page 112

I will be collecting the outlines when you get back.

Assignment #2:
Go to the "Foreign Policy" section of the website. Print out the information for each of the topics. Print, Read, and highlight each section (don't worry, they're really short). Bring it with you to class. CLICK HERE FOR THE LINK


Historical Context: The decision to go to war is among the gravest choices made by any nation. Throughout History, Americans have made this choice for a variety of reasons.

Task: From your study of American History, identify TWO Wars. For EACH war identified:

  • Discuss TWO reasons why America entered that war.
  • Evaluate the effects of America's participation in the war.

You may use any war from your study of American History. Some suggestions you might consider include: The War of 1812, The American Civil War, The Spanish American War, World War I/World War II, The Korean Conflict, and The Vietnam War.

You may use the internet to help guide your research.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Tuesday's HW 12/23/08


Based on the government's response to Hurricane Katrina...

In what areas was the government successful?
In what areas did each level of government fail?
What were the major reasons behind the government's success or failure?
Have your ideas about the responsibilities of government changed as a result of seeing this film? Why, or why not

When the Levees Broke - 12/22/08

Assignment: Carefully read the questions below. Using the questions, write a thoughtful reflection, and post it to this space.

Hurricane Katrina caused America to take pause and challenged our government's values.

What does it mean to be a citizen?

What type of citizen are you?

What is the role of government?

Should the federal government help the less fortunate or provide a safe atmosphere to allow people to become fortunate?

Obviously there were some mistakes made by the federal government.

Have we learned from the mistakes?

In the aftermath of Katrina were decisions made based on race? class? Or need?

Now that we have all seen the Spike Lee documentary what is our responsibility?

CLICK HERE. See what last year's classes in our school, and Queens High School of Teaching had to say. Do you agree, disagree?

Friday, December 19, 2008

Tonight's HW 12/19/08

Opening Activity
Read the following passages:
Passage 1
The stench of the hold while we were on the coast was so
intolerably loathsome, that it was dangerous to remain there
for any time, and some of us had been permitted to stay on
the deck for the fresh air; but now that the whole ship’s cargo
were confined together, it became absolutely pestilential. The
closeness of the place, and the heat of the climate, added to
the number in the ship, which was so crowded that each had
scarcely room to turn himself, almost suffocated us. This pro-
duced copious perspirations, so that the air soon became
unfit for respiration, from a variety of loathsome smells, and
brought on a sickness among the slaves. . . .

—First-person account of conditions on a slave ship
during the Middle Passage, from Olaudah
Equiano, The Life of Gustavus Vassa
Passage 2

The pungent aroma of backed-up toilets, unwashed bodies,
decaying food, mold and who knows what else. Sweltering
heat. An awful din. Rumors of unspeakable crimes. . . .
“I can’t stand to even look at pictures of that time,” said
Terrie Green, 41, who went to the Superdome with her three
children and infant granddaughter on Tuesday, August 30,
after being rescued from their flooded Ninth Ward home.
By the time we got out of there we were all sick. Sick from
the heat, sick from that stink that was there. Just worn out.”
Because of the heat—outside temperatures soared into
the high 90s, and it reached an estimated 125 degrees inside
the Superdome—the family, including little Alea, only 2 days
old when the storm hit, moved to the concourse that runs
around the exterior.

The heat took a toll on the baby, who developed a rash
and became dehydrated. After they evacuated to Houston,
the infant was hospitalized for a week.
“She’s still kind of sickly,” said Green, who remains in
Houston looking for work.

—Description of conditions in the New Orleans
Superdome during Hurricane Katrina, from Mary
Foster, “There was the fear, the heat, the misery,
but most of all—the smell,” Associated Press,
August 27, 2006

1. What similarities can you identify between the description of conditions in the two passages?
2. Do you think the comparison of the two situations is valid? In other words, is it accurate or acceptable to compare the two situations? Why? Why not?
3. How might your views on the evacuation of Katrina victims be different, if this hadn't happened in New Orleans, but in a place that had little history of slavery?
4. Would your views be different if you were from a different racial, or ethnic group? If you were poor, rather than middle class? If you were a man, rather than a woman, or a woman, rather than a man?
5. CLICK HERE. Read the account of life for Katrina survivors in the FEMA trailer park known as Renaissance Village. In what ways might conditions in this trailer park be similar to conditions in quarters inhabited by slaves? Is this a valid comparison? Why?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

HW 12/18/08 - Teaching the Levees Act 2 Chapter 5

Base your answers to the questions below on your viewing of "Teaching the Levees," Act 2, Chapter 5.

1. In what way is Gen. Honore shown as a "All-American Hero?"
2. How is the Convention Center evacuation portrayed?
3. What images come to mind as the convoy is shown arriving in town?
4. What are the images of evacuation? What associations do you have to those images?
5. Herbert Freeman describes being forced to leave his dead mother behind in order to get on the bus. How does this dilemma make you feel?
6. Do you think the documentary is presenting a BALANCED account of the breaching (breaking) of the levees? Does the director, Spike Lee, have a point of view?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tonight's HW 12/17/08

Based on your viewing of "When the Levees Broke:"

1. Which agency, or part of the gov't is most responsive to the emergency? Why do you think it was effective, and how did it compare to other agencies and response organizations?
2. What point does the film-maker seem to be making about leadership?
3. What is the "Cajun Navy?" Why was it needed?
4. How do you evaluate President Bush's statement "no one anticipated the breach of the levees?"
5. How did you respond to the images of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police arriving in New Orleans before the Federal Government?
6. How does the lack of response reflect upon the local, state and federal governments?
7. Do you believe, or are you convinced that that the Federal government had no warning that Katrina would be so destructive?
8. How did President Bush famously praise FEMA director Michael Brown? How does the film-maker communicate his view of this praise?
9. What did President Johnson do when Hurricane Betsy hit New Orleans?


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tonight's HW 12/11/08

Based on our discussion in class today, and what we learned about being a citizen...

1. What does it mean to be a citizen?

2. What are the the THREE different types of citizens?

3. What type of citizen are you?

4. Although we haven't really talked about it, what is the responsibility of the government to the people?

5. Should the federal government help the less fortunate or provide a safe atmosphere to allow people to become fortunate?

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Tonight's HW 12/4/08

Essay is Due Wednesday

COMPLETE the OUTLINE for the ESSAY tonight!

Write a well-organized essay that includes an introduction, several paragraphs addressing the task below, and a conclusion.

Theme: Supreme Court Cases Concerning Constitutional Civil Liberties

The United States Supreme Court has played a major role in either
expanding or limiting constitutional civil liberties in the United States.

Identify two Supreme Court cases that have had an impact on civil
liberties in the United States.

For each case identified:

•Discuss the facts of the case
•Identify a specific constitutional civil liberty issue addressed by the
Supreme Court
•Discuss how the decision of the Supreme Court either expanded or limited a specific constitutional civil liberty in the United States

You may use any appropriate Supreme Court case from your study of United States
history. Some suggestions you might wish to consider include

Plessy v. Ferguson(1896),
Schenck v. United States (1919),
Korematsu v. United States (1944),
Brownv. Board of
Education of Topeka(1954),
Mapp v. Ohio(1961),
Gideonv. Wainwright(1963),
Miranda v.Arizona (1966),
Tinkerv. Des Moines School District(1969),
New Jersey v. T.L.O. (1985).

You are not limited to these suggestions.

Here's a list of links to help you with your research: An excellent listing of all the cases involving Civil Liberties. Start here! - A listing of the major SC cases in US History. TONS of background information. - A list of the important SC cases you need for the Regents Exam. Many of these cases deal with Civil Liberties. - Another good link dealing with the cases.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tonight's HW 12/1/08

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Click on the links below, carefully read the information, and then answer these questions.

How do you interpret the second amendment?

Why is there such a dispute over gun ownership?

What do you think of the court's ruling?,1,4804010.story

Click Here for the Court's Decision

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Break Assignment

Hello, Everyone:

Here is your Thanksgiving Break Assignment. The assignment is based on the following video, Racial Inequality: Remnants of a Troubled Time. Click HERE for a 30 day free trial to Discovery Learning.

When you set up your account, here are some questions you may need to answer.

For teacher information, and grades taught, click "Not Applicable." For years of teaching, click 0-2. Click on the free trial for Discovery Education Streaming Plus!

After you set up your account, please copy and paste the title of the video into your browser. After viewing the video, please complete the assignment below. Please note that the assignment can be done without the video.

Here's what you have to do.
1. If you have set up your account, watch the video Racial Inequality: Remnants of a Troubled Time,
2. Next, read excerpts from the 1954 Supreme Court decision Brown v. Board of
Education. Excerpts are available online at:

Although Brown v. Board of Education made segregated schools illegal, it was a long
time before Southern schools were integrated. In 1955, the Supreme Court reaffirmed the ruling
and declared that schools should be desegregated with “all deliberate speed.” Despite this
ruling, many Southern schools remained segregated. Those that did integrate faced many
challenges, as did the black students who entered these schools.

So, here's the next step:
3. You will be exploring one of three early school integrations that tested Brown v. Board of Education. Choose ONE of the following to research.

• Autherine Lucy and the University of Alabama (1956)
• Little Rock Nine and Central High School, Little Rock, Arkansas (1957)
• Ruby Bridges and William Frantz Elementary School, New Orleans, Louisiana (1960)

4. After you've researched their early school integration, ask them to write a personal essay
responding to what they read. After summarizing the events and the significance of the
integration, their essays should answer these questions:
• What challenges did these students face?
• What were some of their most poignant or surprising memories?
• How do you think you would have felt and responded had you been in their shoes

In addition to any available print resources, students may use the following Web sites to find
background information and personal stories.

Aftermath of Brown v. Board of Education

Autherine Lucy

Little Rock Nine

Ruby Bridges

Good Luck!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Constitution Exam - FINAL REVIEW

Constitution Exam TOMORROW (TUESDAY Nov. 25th):
50 Multiple Choice Questions

You may bring ONE post-it (2x2 size) to the exam as a "cheat sheet," with everything that you can fit on the paper to help you pass the test.

Topics/Questions to Study:

The MAIN problem of the government under the AOC
Why was there a Constitutional Convention?
Differences between the New Jersey and VA Plans
What issue did the GREAT COMPROMISE settle?
What issue did the THREE-FIFTHS COMPROMISE settle?
Why did ANTI FEDERALISTS oppose the Constitution?
Why were the FEDERALIST PAPERS important?
Why was a BILL OF RIGHTS added to the Constitution?
Why was the AMENDMENT process included in the Constitution?
Why was a FEDERAL form of government created?
Who were the ANTI-FEDERALISTS, and why are they important?
What are examples of the UNWRITTEN CONSTITUTION?
What are the responsibilities of CONGRESS, SUPREME COURT, and PRESIDENT?
Why was the system of CHECKS AND BALANCES included in the Constitution?
What did the 24th AMENDMENT do?
Why is a search warrant needed?
What has been the result of the use of the implied powers, amending process, and Supreme Court Cases?
Why is the Constitution a "flexible" document?
What is the elastic clause?

CLICK HERE for all of the information needed to review.

Friday, November 21, 2008

8th Grade US History HW

If you are not in 8th grade, you do not need to complete this assignment.

CLICK HERE for the video from class today. Watch the video and take notes.

In order to watch the video, you're going to have to set up an account with Use Passcode: yPNvYtchCh to set up an account.

Actively watch the video. Take notes. Then, complete the quiz you received in class today.

Good Luck

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tonight's HW "Make Your Own Test"



Using all of the resources available to you, prepare a twenty-five (25) question multiple-choice test.

Feel free to use all of the resources available to you on the blog. There are tons of websites out there that you can use to find information to create questions. Don't just copy the questions from the review book.

Make sure that your exam is fair & balanced. Remember the purpose of a test is to see what you've learned, and how well you're meeting the standards for your class. Your test should be a balance of 5 easy questions (just about anyone who's ever taken an American History course could answer them), 10-15 moderately difficult questions (Challenging; you would have to have read the textbook, paid attention, took good notes, etc. in order to get these questions), and 5-10 tough ones (make your brain sweat difficult).

Let's all commit to making sure that we all complete this assignment. On Friday, we will take each others' tests, and see how we're doing. I'll collect 'em, and use the questions you made to create the exam.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tonight's HW - TLO v. New Jersey

Click on the above link.

READ the excerpts from the majority opinion in this case.

Answer the questions below (online preferred, thanks!)
1. Why does the Court say the Fourth Amendment applies to students in schools?

2. What does the Court say is balanced against the privacy rights of students?

3. Why does the Court say the requirement of a warrant is "unsuited to the school environment"?

4. Describe the standard the Court uses to determine whether a school search is legal or not.

5. Do you think the "reasonableness" standard is adequate to protect the rights of students against invasions of privacy or other abuses? Give your reasons.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

HW 11/18/08

Here's your assignment for this evening.

1. Read the Background Information on the Supreme Court Case Tinker vs. United States (1969). The information can be found below.
2. After reading the information about the case, answer the questions that follow.
Do you think that the school policy banning armbands was fair? Why or why not?
The students knew they would be suspended if they wore armbands to school and chose to do so anyway. Why do you think they ignored the rule?
The First Amendment says "Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech." Why do you think the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that certain actions should have the same protection as verbal speech? Are these reasons valid?
Pretend that students in your school wanted to protest the school-wide ban on smoking. Should they be allowed to protest by wearing T-shirts that read "Up with 'Butts'!"? Why or why not?
Post your responses to the questions. Looking forward to seeing what you have to say.

Background Info
John and Mary Beth Tinker attended public school in Des Moines, Iowa. In December of 1965 a community group in Des Moines decided to protest American involvement in the Vietnam War by wearing black armbands. The Tinkers agreed to wear their black armbands to school. However, principals in the school district, aware of the students' plans created a rule that any student wearing an armband to school would be suspended unless the student removed the armband. Although the Tinkers knew about this rule, they decided to come to school wearing armbands anyway. After refusing to take the armbands off, John and Mary Beth Tinker were sent home by the principal. Their suspension lasted until they agreed to come back to school without the armbands.

The Tinkers filed a suit in the U.S. District Court to stop the school principals from enforcing the rule in the future. Although the District Court said that this type of protest was a form of expression protected under the First Amendment's freedom of speech clause, the Court sided with the school officials, saying that the rule was needed to "prevent the disturbance of school activities." The Tinkers appealed their case to the U.S. Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals, but they lost. The Tinkers decided to appeal the case to the Supreme Court of the United States.

The fundamental question of the case came down to this: Does the First Amendment's promise of free speech extend to the symbolic speech of public school students? And, if so, in what circumstances is that symbolic speech protected? The First Amendment to the Constitution says, "Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech." The Fourteenth Amendment extends this rule to state government as well, of which schools are a part. However, the First Amendment does not say which kinds of speech are protected. It also does not specify what types of expressive actions should be considered as speech.

The question of what kind of speech or action is protected under the First Amendment has been considered many times by the Supreme Court of the United States. Generally, the Court has held that the First Amendment protects adult symbolic speech that does not harm or threaten to harm. However, at the time of Tinker, it was unclear whether students' rights in this area were different.

In 1968 the Supreme Court of the United States agreed to hear the Tinker's case and consider whether the Des Moines public schools ban on armbands was an unconstitutional violation of the students' right to free speech. The Court's decision in Tinker v. Des Moines was handed down in 1969.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Consitution Exam

Hello, Everyone:

On Friday, or Monday of next week, we will have an exam, covering what we've learned about the Constitution.

CLICK HERE for a great place to help you start your studying.

The test will consist of fifty (50) multiple choice questions, just like the multiple choice section of the Regents Exam. With the exception of those people entitled to extended time, you will have one hour (or one class period) to take the exam.

Listed below are resources to help you study for the exam.

1. Regents Prep. This is the place to start. Everything that will be on the test is covered here.

2. Social Studies Help. Scroll down to UNIT TWO - The Constitution. Everything's there, too.

3. Multiple Choice Bank #1. Here's where I'll get a lot of the questions. Sorry, I won't tell you which ones!

4. EduSolution. Another great bank of questions. Use the links from "Constitutional Convention" to "US Supreme Court." I'll get a good amount of the questions from here, as well. Again, sorry, I won't tell which ones!

5. I would suggest MEMORIZING chapter 4 in the review book (blue book) as well.

In addition to these links, check out all of the previous posts, as well as your class notes, assignments, and other materials. Good Luck!

Friday, November 14, 2008

HW 11/14/08 - 8th Grade Students Only

If you are a high school student, DO NOT COMPLETE THIS ASSIGNMENT!

For those students in Ms. Fong's Class (831/802), Here is tonight's Assignment

1. Click on the links below for each question.

2. COPY each question on looseleaf paper.

3. COPY the correct answer choice.

4. In your own words, explain WHY you chose that answer.

Use your notes, etc. to help you.

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Tonight's HW 11/14/08 - MakeUp/Extra Credit Assignments

To all US History and Government Students:

In recognition of the Jets' win over the Patriots, you will all be given the weekend, for additional time to complete the makeup/extra credit assignments previously given.

Click below for the link to the assignments.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tonight's HW 11/12/08


Click on the Links Below.

COPY the Question, and the CORRECT ANSWER Choice.



"I chose answer choice 4 BECAUSE in the answer it states that Congress can make all the laws it needs to, in order to carry out its power. This shows that our government is expanding, like elastic."

Here are the links for the questions. Please complete this on looseleaf.

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Thursday's HW - Thematic Essay Outline

1. CLICK HERE. Download, and print the task sheet for this thematic essay.

2. CHOOSE TWO AMENDMENTS TO RESEARCH - Here's the video link from the other day

3. Using the internet, textbooks, encyclopedias, etc., do research and find out:
The historical circumstances that led to the adoption of the
. In other words, what was going on at the time that led to the adoption of the amendment? Why was it necessary? Why did the gov't decide to make the amendment?
How the amendment changed the United States government
and/or American society
. In other words, how was, or how has life been affected in America as a result of the amendment's passage?


So...On Friday, you need to bring in.
1. Task sheet
2. Research notes
3. Outline.

Click here for examples of what your essay should (and should not) look like when you're done! Don't even think about copying these...I've already read 'em, and know what to look for!

Monday, November 03, 2008

Tonight's HW 11/03/08

Hello, Everyone:

Here is tonight's HW Assignment:

1. WATCH THE VIDEO (CLICK HERE FOR THE LINK). If you haven't set up your PowerMedia Plus! Account, you're going to need to do that in order to watch the video. Use Passcode: yPNvYtchCh to set up an account if you have not yet done so.

2. TAKE NOTES while you watch the video.

3. After you watch the video, answer the questions below.

a. Why were these amendments passed?
b. How do these amendments expand the Constitutional rights of the people?
c. To what degree do these amendments restrict the rights of citizens?
d. Which amendments are the most important, the least? Why?
e. Do you think that the government should have passed an amendment banning the consumption of alcohol? Explain why or why not.

4. For people who cannot access the video, here is a link to information about the amendments.


Thursday, October 30, 2008

10/.31/2008 - "A Living Document"

Over the years, the Constitution has been referred to as a "living document."

In a post of at least 50, but no more than 100 words, please explain why the Constitution is called a "living document."

Here's a link with information to help you write your post.

See you on Tuesday!

HW 10/30/08

Imagine...Only ONE of the 10 Amendments that make up the Bill of Rights could be added to the Constitution. In other words, you can only one have one freedom guaranteed to you by the Constitution.

Which one would you choose? Free speech is nice, but what about the rights of people accused of crimes? Or, it doesn't really sound like it does a whole bunch, what about the 10th amendment, which gives powers not specifically given to the Federal gov't back to the states?

Think very carefully. Then write a post of at least 50 words, but not more than 100 that identifies the amendment you choose, and more importantly, a detailed explanation about your reasons for keeping that amendment.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Tonight's HW 10/28/08

Here's your HW for this evening.

1) Using your textbook, handouts, or the internet, locate the Bill of Rights, or the first ten amendments to the US Constitution. Here's some cool links below to help you.

2. Carefully study the amendments, then create a "Top 10 List" of the amendments in order of importance. In other words...Which of the 10 amendments is the most important to you? Second? Third, Etc.?

3. In a brief composition, explain WHY you chose to put the amendments in that order.

CLICK HERE for information on the Bill of Rights, and other Amendments.

See you in school tomorrow!

Friday, October 24, 2008



Please click on the link for "DBQ Assessment #2" below for all of the info.

You must turn in:

1. The completed DBQ's
2. The essay.



Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tonight's HW - 10/23/08

Hello, Everyone:

Tonight's HW:

1. If you haven't finished the DBQ's, please finish whichever questions you need to complete.
2. Complete and Outline and Rough Draft of your Essay.

REMINDER: Your essay is due on MONDAY! No ifs, ands or buts! No exceptions!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

DBQ Assessment #2

Topic: Checks and Balances.
Due Date: Monday October 27th

You are responsible for turning in the following:

1. The completed DBQ Short Answer Sheet. This is easy, as we'll have completed the questions in class. All you need to do is transfer your answers to the paper.

2. A completed DBQ Essay. We will take time in class to go over an outline, and prepare rough drafts. This will be easy as well if you pay attention.

Everything is due MONDAY. No ifs, ands, or buts. If you choose not to turn the paper in, you will receive a grade of ZERO.

Tonight's HW - 10/22

Very Simple Assignment. Do it, and you get A FULL POINT ON YOUR SEMESTER GRADE!


2. Print the docs.

3. Bring it in, and show it to me tomorrow.

Any Questions?

Monday, October 20, 2008

Tuesday's HW - 10/21/08

CLICK HERE to view the video you saw in class today about the three Branches of Government.

After you watch the video, please answer the questions that follow.

1. What reasons might explain why this system called a system of "Checks and Balances?"

2. Which branch do you think has the most power under this system? Why?

3. Some people say that the system of Checks and Balances slows down the process of government unnecessarily. Do you agree? Why, or Why not?

BTW...If you haven't set up your PowerMedia Plus! Account, you're going to need to do that in order to watch the video. Use Passcode: yPNvYtchCh to set up an account if you have not yet done so.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Tonight's HW 10/20/08

One of the ways that our Constitution has survived for so long is its ability to be flexible. This flexibility is made possible by the amendment process, which allows the Constitution to be changed as needed.

For this assignment you need to do the following.

1. CLICK HERE. Read the information on the process of Amending the Constitution.

2. Think of an amendment you'd like to see added to the US Constitution. In a post of no more than 100 words (but at least 50), explain:

a) What your proposed amendment is about.
b) Why your amendment should be added to the Constitution.

Here's a link to a list of amendments that have been proposed in recent years.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Promote the General Welfare?

Click on the links below, and carefully read the articles:

Bush Vetoes Child Health Care Bill

House to Vote on New Child Health Bill

Then, based on the article and our discussion in class, reflect on the following questions:

What are the checks and balances taking place here?
Is healthcare a federal, city, or individual responsibility?
What are the limits of "promote the general welfare?"

Thursday, October 02, 2008



2. Answer the following Questions

  • What questions were being asked of the candidates?
  • What is something you learned from this debate about each candidate?
  • Describe your opinion of the candidates before the debate(s). If you didn't have an opinion of the candidates, please explain why.
  • Will the debates, or did the debates change your opinion of the candidates? Why? Why not?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Our First Exam Monday September 28

Hello, Everyone:

Our first exam will be taking place on Monday September 28th. Please mark your agendas, calendars, etc.

Here's the format of the exam.

1. Multiple Choice. Four choices for each question. Choose the one that you think best answers the question.
2. Thematic Essay: Here's the topic.

In the United States History, the rights of "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness," as stated in the declaration of Independence, have often been denied to certain groups of Americans.

1. Identify ONE group from your study of United States History.
2. Use TWO historical examples to show how the group has been denied the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
3. Identify, and discuss TWO efforts that have been made to help the group attain life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (how did this group try to get, or what was done by other people, or the gov't to help them?)
4. Evaluate the extent to which that group has achieved equality today (how successful has that group been at getting equality?)

YOU CAN USE ANY group from your study of United States History. Some of the groups you may wish to consider include:
African Americans
Native Americans
Persons with Disabilities

CLICK HERE for the multiple choice questions.

CLICK HERE for help with the thematic essay.
CLICK HEREif you want to review the information we've covered in class.
Another Great Website

Chapter 4 of the Review Book will also come in very handy.

Can You Trust the Federal Government?

The Articles of Confederation, the first government of the United States, was set up with very little power over the states. This was done as a result of a fear, or distrust of a strong central government. This likely came from the colonist's experiences under Britain in the 1760's.

Today, many people continue to distrust the Federal Government. In your opinion, is this distrust justified? Or, is it OK to trust your federal government?

Reflect on this question, and write a reaction of at least 50, but no more than 100 words.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Friday, September 19, 2008

USH HW 9/19/08


1. COMPLETE the rest of the DBQ questions
2. COMPLETE an outline of your DBQ essay, using the block method we discussed in class today.

APUSH HW Due 9/22

Hello, APUSHers:

Here's your mission for this weekend. Don't worry, this message will not self-destruct in 5 seconds.

1. READ and OUTLINE Chapter THREE in the Review Book (or Chapter 9 in the AP for Dummies Handout)

2. BASED on YOUR HOMEWORK NUMBER, watch the following VIDEO.





4. Complete only the part of the chart that goes with the video that you watched.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

APUSH HW 9/18/08


Greetings. Your mission:

1. Click here and obtain the worksheet "Colonial America: Assess Validity"

2. Print out the worksheet.

3. Answer the questions. Remember, it's more than just true and false. You need to explain why it's true, false, mostly true, or mostly false. In other words, be prepared to defend what you're saying

IMPORTANT: When you're doing these assignments, make sure that you're using your class notes, outlines, etc. Look back to these things in order to provide evidence to back up your statements. Don't try to attempt them without your reference material handy.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

9R HW 9/17 (p2 and p4)

Hello, everyone:

Here's your assignment:

Based on our class discussion, and the video we watched in class today discuss...

1. How did people react to the declaration of Independence?
2. In reality many people thought the declaration of independence was a bad idea. Why might they think that?

Click HERE to access the video.

You're going to need a password to get in and set up an account. Copy and paste the code below.


If that doesn't work, click below (how cool is that?).

APUSH HW 9/17/08

Hello, Everyone:

Tonight, you get to watch a video (YAY!)

Click HERE to set up an account; IT'S FREE!

Enter the following passcode (copy and paste works best)


Watch the video, and then make up TEN (10) questions (not multiple-choice or T/F) that can be answered from the video.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Tonight's HW Periods 2 and 4 9/16/08

Hello, Everyone:

For many of you, in your ELA classes, you've been discussing a very important question...

"What does it mean to be a good American?"

Well, to put a little spin on it, consider this...

"What does it mean to be a good American?"

As you respond to this question, think of the following to guide you...

  • Does being a "good American" mean that you listen to what the government says, and
    "do as you're told," or do you speak your mind, and call to attention what's wrong?
  • Do you protest when the government does something that you don't like?
  • When is it sometimes not appropriate to protest?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

APUSH HW 9/16/08

What's up, APUSHers?

We're going to be doing a COOPERATIVE HOMEWORK assignment. To quote the Wonder Pets, "what's gonna work? Teamwork!"

Here's what to do.

1. REVIEW Chapter 2 in the APUSH review book (the one you bring to class).
2. CLICK HERE for the Review Questions.
3. Based on your number, you are ONLY responsible for the following questions:
- 1: You are doing 1, 5, 9, 13
- 2: You're doing 2, 6, and 10
- 3: You're doing 3, 7, and 11
- 4: You're doing 4, 8, and 12

Remember, you're only responsible for the questions based on your number. Really dig in, and come up with detailed, thoughtful answers to these questions.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

APUSH HW 9/15/08

Hello, Everyone:

Hope that you are all enjoying your new textbooks, and review books.

Here's tonight's assignment:

1. Click on the links below, and LISTEN to EACH ONE!
Reading #1
Reading #2 - The Puritans
Reading #3 - The Middle Colonies

2. READ and Outline Review Book Chapter 2

3.Complete Multiple Choice Questions on pp. 36 and 37.


HW Periods 2 and 4 9/15/08

Abuse, or Punishment?

There's a big difference between the two.

At the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the colonists who favored a break from England claimed that the British government was abusing their rights, and that they had the right to break free from England.

Although this is the story on which our country was founded, others have made the case that the Colonists were like children who misbehaved, and that the English government was right in attempting to punish them for their actions.

What do you think? Do you think that the colonists were justified in resisting the English, and eventually declaring their freedom? Write your thoughts here in a brief post. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

AP US History Homework 9/11/08

Using the handout you got at the end of class today, or by clicking the link above...

1. READ the selection "Contact: Europe and America Meet"

2. In a blog post, or written assignment discuss the following...


See you tomorrow!

Homework US History 9R (Period 4 and Period 2)

Please click on the link below (or the posting title) and read the article that follows.

After you read the article, write a reflection, based on the following questions:

How has money played a role in the care of 9/11 cleanup victims?
Who is at fault for the illness?
What changes in finance need to be made to correct the problem?
Is health care a federal, city or individual responsibility?

Mr. Walter Brown, a teacher at the Queens High School of Teaching, has a senior government class that is working on the same assignment. Click on the link below to access their class blog, and see what his kids had to say.

See you Tuesday!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

HW Assignment 9/10/08


Here's the question:

Should the right to vote be limited only to people who are citizens of this country?

This is an issue that many of us, particularly those of us who have recently come to this country, feel quite strongly about. There are many different sides to the issue. One side, those who say "no," will state if you're not a citizen, you don't get to vote; kind of like if you go to the game without a ticket, you don't get in. The other side states that if these people are here working, and doing their best to start a new life, then the right to vote should be given to them.

Talk to people. Friends, relatives, the guy who owns the deli down the street. Your next-door neighbor. Get their ideas. Also, think about where they are coming from. What's their "perspective," or point of view. There's no easy answer to this.

Feel free to post to this as much as you like. Please maintain a sense of respect. It's OK to disagree, but not to disrespect. Good luck!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

What's Your History? HW 9/14/2010

What's Your History?

History is full of stories. What is your favorite story about your own history? Write a one-page account, telling about the most important event in your life or the person who had the most influence on you.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Welcome WJPS US History Students!

Hello, Everyone!

Thanks for visiting the blog. I've set this up as a way for us to communicate with other, and share ideas about Social Studies, school, the world, etc. I'd like to use this a way for us to even complete our homework assignments; saves paper, time, trees, etc.

It's pretty easy to get an account on this site. Follow the directions at the sign-in screen and you should be OK. Additionally, Please make sure that when you post, you leave your name and class somewhere, so I know who is writing, and I may be able to give that person credit for their assignment.

If you post, don't worry if you don't see your work right away. Before I approve your post for spelling, grammar, maturity, etc., I do read them. Once they get my approval, they go up on the blog. So, please refrain from posting the same thing over and over.

Regarding your posts, please note that as aspiring journalists, what you post here is for all of the world to see. It is expected that you will maintain a sense of maturity, and professionalism in your postings. This is a professional space, which will be viewed not only by me, but your other teachers, principals, and parents. While we do have freedom of the press in the USA, remember that you cannot publish anything that is untrue. This is called SLANDER and can get you into a lot of trouble. Additonally, please do not publish anything that is harmful, hurtful, or disrespectful towards other people.

Finally, some safety issues. Only use your first name, and last initial when posting. Don't give any other information about yourself (age, grade in school, etc.).

Again, thanks for checking in. Can't wait to read your posts! Mr. T

Supplies for US History


Looseleaf Binder (2 inch thickness preferred)
Looseleaf paper (minimum of 250 sheets)
A Folder
Five (5) Subject Dividers
1-2 pens

You must bring the above supplies to class everyday.

Classroom supplies:
1 package of copy paper
2 packages of pens
1 package of Markers (washable preferred)

Please put your name on the supplies that you brought, so you may receive credit for doing so.

This will help us to conserve school resources, freeing up resources for other valuable purposes.

If you have any trouble getting these supplies, please see me or email me immediately.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

HW 5/22/08

You will need internet access to complete this assignment. Obviously, if you're reading this, then you have access to the internet. LOL

Anyway. Here's what you have to do.

1. Listen to the song "Goodnight Saigon" by Billy Joel. A link to the song, and a really cool photo presentation can be found HERE

2. Click HERE for the lyrics to the song

3. WRITE A REFLECTION on the song. When writing the reflection, use the following questions to guide you:

  • In your own words, describe what thoughts or feelings the song created for
  • Why do you think the song was written? What was the composer trying to
  • What can you tell from the song about the culture in which the song was
  • What questions does the song raise in your mind?

Cold War "Hot 24"

Hello, Everyone:

Listed below are terms, and concepts related to the Cold War, which I've called the "Hot 24." These terms, concepts, etc. are the most common subject of mult. choice questions, essays, etc. on the Regents exam.

Your mission: For each term,

1. Identify what it is.
2. Its purpose: What/why it was done.
3. Its significance: Why was it important?

Here's the list

1. Truman Doctrine
2. Marshall Plan
3. Berlin Airlift
5. Warsaw Pact
6. Korean War
7. H.U.A.C.
8. Rosenberg Trial
9. McCarthyism
10. Domino Theory
11. CIA
12. Eisenhower Doctrine
13. Sputnik
14. Bay of Pigs
15. Cuban Missile Crisis
16. Tonkin Gulf Resolution
17. Vietnam War
18. War Powers Act of 1973
19. 26th Amendment
20. Iron Curtain
21. NY Times vs. United States
22. Alger Hiss
23. General Douglas MacArthur
24. Joseph McCarthy

Thursday, May 15, 2008

DBQ Essay Assignment: The Cold War

This assignment is based upon yesterday's, and today's lesson on the events of the cold war. It is worth 50 points, and sorry, HW passes cannot be used for the assignment. The due date is Monday May 19th.

1. Copy and paste the following link into your browser:

2. Print the DBQ's, and complete the questions related to each document. This section is worth 15 points

3. Based on your answers to the DBQ's, and your knowledge of Social Studies, complete an essay that will:

Discuss how the threat of communism during the Cold War affected the US in the period from 1945 to 1960.

Be sure to:
1. Develop ALL aspects of the task.
2. Incorporate information from at least FIVE (5) documents
3. Incorporate releveant OUTSIDE INFORMATION.
4. Support the theme with relevant facts, examples and details.
5. Use a logical, and clear plan of organization, including an introduction, and conclusion that are beyond a restatement of the theme.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Blog HW Assignment 5/14/08

This cartoon appeared in an American newspaper in 1947. Study the cartoon carefully. Then, based on the cartoon, and your knowledge of Social Studies, answer the questions below.
1. What do the bird, and the automobile represent? What are they racing toward?
2. What is the bird carrying? What events in Europe in the years after World War II is the cartoonist referring to?
3. This cartoon was titled "Step on It, Doc?" Why do you think the artist gave it that name?
4. What is the cartoonist urging Congress to do?
5. How did Congress respond to the danger shown in the cartoon?
Bonus Question What is the name of the US Foreign Policy?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cold War PowerPoint

In case you missed anything, or would like an in-depth review of the Cold War.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Cold War mini-project

Watch a cartoon!
Get up to 25 points to do it!
1) Go to the NARA (National Archives and Records) Website. Click on the link below, and print out the worksheet.
2) The title of the cartoon you are going to be watching is "Make Mine Freedom." Before you watch the cartoon, complete "Step 1" section "B"
3) Check out this "old school" cartoon, entitled "Make Mine Freedom." Here are the links for the video.
4) Complete the rest of the worksheet. Hand it in NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY MAY 15th. Sorry, HW passes cannot be used to earn points (you can use your HW pass not to be penalized, but you won't earn any points towards your grade).

Point value: This assignment is worth 25 POINTS!

Friday, May 09, 2008

HW Assignment 5/9/08

Tonight's HW Assignment:

1. READ and OUTLINE - pp. 95-98 in the BLUE BOOKS
2. READ and OUTLINE - pp. 104-112 in the BLUE BOOKS
3. Complete the MULTIPLE CHOICE on pp. 99-100, and 113-114

Monday, May 05, 2008

Presidential Powers in Wartime

Click on the Title of this Post, or paste the following link into your browser:

READ each of the cases, THEN...Answer the questions below:


What does the U.S. Constitution say about the respective war powers of the president and Congress?
Does the power of the president as “commander in chief” give him unlimited power to act in time of war? Cite evidence from the three Supreme Court cases you read and heard about to support your answer.
How did the Supreme Court rule in the Korematsu case with regard to President Roosevelt’s use of presidential power in wartime?
Why do you think that the Supreme Court was willing to defer to the president in Korematsu, but not in the other three cases?

WWII Test Study Guide

World War II Study Guide:

Exam Date: Friday May 9th

Multiple Choice and Thematic Essay

Multiple Choice: approximately 10 vocab questions, 25-30 m/c (A, B, C, D) questions (the questions will be based off the information in the “multiple choice” table below. The multiple choice questions will all come from the website.

Here\'s a Link to the Multiple Choice Questions!

Thematic Essay Topic: Supreme Court Cases Concerning Constitutional Civil Liberties

Task: Using the case of Korematsu vs. United States,
• Discuss the facts of the case (what do you know about it?)
• Identify a specific constitutional civil liberty issue addressed by the Supreme Court (what rights were in question)
• Discuss how the decision of the Supreme Court either expanded or limited a specific constitutional civil liberty in the United States (how did the decision affect how people were able to use that right?)


Washington Naval Conference
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Neutrality Act
Lend-Lease Act
Executive Order 9066
Manhattan Project
Nuremburg Trials
Destroyer-for-Bases Deal

Multiple Choice:
How did Women and Minorities benefit from WWII?
The US policy at the start of WWII.
Can the government limit your civil rights during wartime?
Why were Japanese people interned during the war?
The purpose, or the importance of the Lend-Lease Act and Destroyers-for-Bases Deal
What was a violation of Civil Rights that occurred during WWII
Why did President Truman decide to use Atomic Weapons vs. Japan?
Reasons for the policy of Isolationism
WHY did the US get into WWII (not just Pearl Harbor)?
What was the “Munich Mistake?”
Effect of the Korematsu v. US Decision?
How people on the “home front” helped the war effort

Korematsu v. US (1944)
Supreme Court Case
Information can be found on pages 802-803 of your textbook.

You may bring a cheat-sheet no bigger than ONE (1) Post-It Note (2”x 2”) to use during the test.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

HW for Monday

There is an ancient saying in the law that "In time of war the laws are silent."

  • What do you think this means?

  • Do you agree with it?

  • Why?
CLICK HERE for more info

Post your responses no later than 11:59 pm on Sunday night! 

See you Monday! 

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

DBQ Assignment - Due FRIDAY 5/2/08

DBQ Assignment: 

June 2005 Regents Exam.  CLICK HERE FOR THE DBQ.  

1.  PRINT the DBQ


Discuss US Foreign Policy towards Europe prior (before) the start of WWII, and after WWII started.  You must include the arguments used by those who supported isolationism, and those people who were opposed to isolationism. 

World War II

  • Axis Powers vs. Allies
  • Japan, Italy, Germany (JIG) vs. France, England, America, Russia (FEAR)

When? 1939-1945

Why? "T.A.D.D."
–Germany blamed for WWI, destroyed by treaty.
–Germany wants revenge for being punished

•A – Appeasement: giving into aggression
–Germany (Hitler) began taking land, threatened war if he didn’t get it.
–European countries didn’t stand up to him, so kept taking more land
–War declared when Germany invaded Poland, 1939

•D- Depression
–Europe is broke after WWI.
–People thought war was a way out

•D – Dictators: Ruler w/complete power
–Took over Italy, Germany, Japan
–Promised people they would make their countries powerful, and fix problems
–Used military force to invade other countries
•Increase their power
•Get natural resources for the army

This is the basic rundown of why WWII happened. Clicking on this link will give you more important information.

Class Notes - US Reaction to WWII

How did the US react to the start of WWII?

B4 DA WAR US wants to stay out of Europe’s BIZ
How did it try to do this?

Neutrality Acts 1935-1937
•Prevent trade, travel, arms sales to BELLIGERENT NATIONS (nations that are aggressive or at war)

•Begin getting ready for war
•Helping the Allies
1.Cash and Carry: Sold weapons to nations who could pick em up and pay cash
2.Destroyers for Bases: Gave GB ships so they could fight the Submarines
3.Lend-Lease: President can give weapons to the Allies

Monday, April 28, 2008

HW 4/28

1.  Read and OUTLINE pp. 90 to 94 in your BLUE REGENTS BOOK
2.  COMPLETE "Terms and Concepts," from "Isolationism to Nuremburg Trials" 
3. CLICK HERE for the Regents Review Sheet.  Please print it, and bring it to class with you tomorrow. 

Monday, April 07, 2008

HW 4/7/08 - Depression Assignment #1

DUE DATE: Wednesday April 9 (all classes including period 7).
Point Value: 50 points (1/2 a test!)

From 1929 to 1941, the US endured the Great Depression. The following factors have been recognized as causes of the Great Depression:
  • Speculation in Real Estate and the Stock Market
  • Overproduction of Industrial and Agricultural Goods
  • Uneven Distribution of Wealth
  • Protective Tarrifs
  • Shaky Banking Practices

Based on your knowledge of US History:

  1. Choose THREE of the causes of the Great Depression listed above.
  2. DISCUSS how each cause led to the Great Depression

Here's a link to help you
Here's a PowerPoint that will help, too

Your Essay:

1. TYPED, or NEATLY HANDWRITTEN ON LOOSELEAF IN INK (pencil not accepted)! If typed, please double space, and use a 12 point font. You may also email or upload to google docs. Make sure the essay is a document. DO NOT SEND ME YOUR ESSAY AS AN EMAIL!
2. Contains an introduction and conclusion.
3. Uses facts and details to support your ideas.
4. Sorry, late papers will not be accepted.
5. Sorry, you cannot use your HW pass for this assignment.

Good Luck!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Tonight's HW 4/3/08


1. Read ALL of Chapter 22 in your Textbook
2. Complete "Terms and Names" p. 690
3. Complete "Main Ideas" 1, 2, 4, 5, 7

Remember...IF EVERYONE DOES THEIR HW, we don't have any weekend HW...

Bonus: Get Everyone on the trip today to get their HW done, and we don't have HW on Monday!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Tonight's HW March 31

Sorry for the late post:

Here's tonight's assignment.

1. Go to the following website:

2. Read the information about Prohibition.

3. Based on what you've read:

a. Do you think Prohibition was a good idea, or not? Why?
b. How does Prohibition relate to the war on drugs today?
c. Based on the outcome of Prohibition, do you think the US gov't should legalize drugs? Why, or why not?


Please answer the question below...

If you were given the choice, would you rather...

a) complete an individual, in-class assignment, like a test or an essay or...
b) work cooperatively with a group, and create a presentation

Please explain why you made your choice, in a short post.


Sunday, March 23, 2008

HW Monday 3/24/08 Due Wednesday 3/26

Hello, Everyone:

Tonight's HW assignment is based on the video you saw in class today about the 1920's. Based on the video, and your knowledge of Social Studies, create an essay that:

1. DISCUSSES THREE (3) areas of change in America during the 1920's
2. IDENTIFIES ONE (1) SPECIFIC example for each area of change
3. ASSESSES the IMPACT of each change on the lives of Americans

You may use any example from your knowledge of the events of the 1920's. Some suggestions you might wish to consider include: the role of women and African Americans, foreign policy, economics, social and cultural values

Research Links: a HUGE list of links to other sites.

POINT VALUE This assignment will be scored on a scale of 1 to 5, and is worth 25 points. A RUBRIC that explains your score can be found here.

DUE DATE - Wednesday March 26. Sorry, late assignments will not be accepted.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hip Hop Songwriting Contest

Let's put those hip-hop skills to work! With the quality of the raps we put together, we've GOT to be able to win!

Monday, March 10, 2008

WWI Study Links

1. List of Terms and Multiple Choice Topics
2. Multiple Choice Questions
3. Online Quiz - EduSolution TEST YOURSELF!
4. Regents Prep - World War I
5. Social Studies Help Center This is the link for America's Entry into WWI. Find the links for lessons 72, 73, and 74 for more info.
6. scroll down to the section on "writing for the humanities."
7. World War I DBQ's These are taken from a course on AP US History. If you can figure out what these docs are trying to say, then you are ready!

Here it is...Now, it's up to you! Good Luck

Exam World War I

Hello, Everyone:

We are going to have an exam on World War I. It will be a TWO DAY exam. It will as close to a Regents exam as possible.

Day 1: Multiple Choice, Thematic Essay Outline and Thematic Essay
Day 2: DBQ, DBQ Outline, and Essay

Multiple Choice: 45-50 pts
DBQ Short Answer Questions: 10 Points
Outlines 5 points for each outline
Essays 15 points each

Multiple Choice: approximately 30 multiple choice questions, taken from past regents exams.
Thematic Essay Topic: Supreme Court Cases Concerning Constitutional Civil Liberties Task: Using the case of Schenck vs. United States,
• Discuss the facts of the case (what do you know about it?)
• Identify a specific constitutional civil liberty issue addressed by the Supreme Court (what rights were in question)
• Discuss how the decision of the Supreme Court either expanded or limited a specific constitutional civil liberty in the United States (how did the decision affect how people were able to use that right?)

DBQ – Topic: Why did the US enter WWI? Will be VERY similar to the assignment we did in class.

  • You’ll have about 5 DBQ’s to answer.
  • Each document will relate to the US’s entry into WWI.
  • After you finish the DBQ’s, you’ll have an outline to complete
  • After the outline, you’ll write your essay.
  • Has to have intro, conclusion, and body paragraphs
  • Answer MUST make reference to a certain # of document(s) (ex: “in document 1, it shows that the US was exporting nearly 2 billion dollars to Britain by 1916.”

    Good Luck!

Tonight's HW 3/10/08

Imagine...You are President Wilson, and you are trying to convince the allies not to punish Germany for causing WWI.  

Write a LETTER to one of the leaders of the Allies (Clemenceau - France, Lloyd George - Britain, Orlando - Italy).  Explain why it is important not to punish Germany, and to accept "peace without victory."  

REMEMBER - Do not refer to it as World War I (they had no idea there would be another).  You can call it the Great War if you like.  

Your letter must be AT LEAST one page; typing is preferred.  Email is acceptable, as are posts to Google Docs (the best option!).  

This is worth 25 points, and it's due tomorrow.  Thanks! 

Monday, February 25, 2008

New Unit - World War I

Hello, Everyone: 

The next unit of study that we will be covering is World War I.  Listed below are the homework assignments for this topic, which is found in CHAPTER 19 of the TB

Tonight: Read pp. 578-586.  Complete "Terms and Names," and questions 2, and 4 on p. 586
Tuesday: pp. 587-593.  "Terms and Names" and "Critical Thinking" #3.  
Wednesday: pp. 594-601: Complete Questions 1 and 3 on p. 601
Thursday:  pp. 604-608: Complete "Critical Thinking" 3 and 4 on p. 608
Friday: WWI Poster Mini Project: Due Tuesday March 4 NO EXCUSES

TEST: Tentatively Scheduled for March 10 and 11 (two day exam)! Click Here for Details

World War I

In case you missed today's notes, here they are!  

Friday, February 15, 2008

February Recess Assignments

Hello, Everyone: 

Listed below are your assignments for the February Recess.  

1.  Please to the QHST Class Blog and read the post.  After reading the post, what you are going to to is the following: 

  • Develop a PLAN of ACTION - something that we as a school community can DO to HELP the victims of Hurricane Katrina.  There are so many different things that need to be done.  Follow the links on the QHST site and I'm certain that you will be able to find a cause, or something that will inspire you to help.  
2.  COMPLETE any missing assignments that are outstanding at this time.  The major assignments I am looking for are the: 
  • Thematic Essay on the Supreme Court Cases
  • Federalism Mini-Project 
Check previous posts on this blog and teacherease for more information. 

3.  Extra Credit Assignment:  You can do this for extra credit, or in place of one of the major assignments listed in #2 (in case you're missing one of them).  
  1. Go to Digital History
  2. READ the Documents
  3. ANSWER QUESTION #2 at the bottom of the web page
  4. Complete a DBQ ESSAY which answers the following question
  • "Was imperialism a proper and legitimate policy for the US to follow at the turn of the nineteenth century?" 
  • In other words, should the United States have practiced imperialism? 
  • Use information in the forms of quotes from documents to back up your opinion
  • CLICK HERE FOR HELP WITH THIS ASSIGNMENT scroll down and find the links under "Writing for the Humanities..." Follow the links under "The Writing Process." 
  • This assignment is worth the equivalent of a one-hundred (100) point test.   

Thursday, January 31, 2008

America's Foreign Policy

Based on today's class...

What reasons might explain why America seems to be more willing to help other nations than people in our own country?  

For example, in the movie "When the Levees Broke," we learned that the US was able to get supplies into Sri Lanka faster than they did to New Orleans.  

Why do you think we're more concerned with other nations than our own country? 

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

When the Levees Broke - Part II

Based on the government's response to Hurricane Katrina...

In what areas was the government successful? 
In what areas did each level of government fail? 
What were the major reasons behind the government's success or failure? 
Have your ideas about the responsibilities of government changed as a result of seeing this film? Why, or why not?  

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Regents Week Assignments

Hello, Everyone:

Although we are not meeting for class next week, due to the regents exams, please do not be mistaken that this is a week of vacation.

I expect that you'll take some time to enjoy yourself this week. However, there is much work to be done before we finish this course. Therefore, you will have some assignments to complete this week.

Here are your assignments.

1. Complete your blog-post assignment related to "When the Levees Broke." This is a very important assignment, and I am really counting on everyone to make a comment on this film. CLICK HERE FOR THE LINK

2. Go to the "Foreign Policy" section of the website. Print out the information for each of the topics. Read, and highlight each section (don't worry, they're really short). Bring it with you to class when we return after the Regents. CLICK HERE FOR THE LINK

3. Click Here for the "Foreign Policy Vocab" assignment. Print out the list. Using your textbook, the internet, and/or other sources, please create a definition of each term or concept in your own words.

See you next week!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Right to a Fair Trial Part 2,0,3188407.storygallery.

CLICK ON THE LINK ABOVE. Take time to read some of the articles related to this case...Then, answer the questions below.

1. Do you agree with the decision to set Mr. Tankleff free, even though he confessed to the murder of his parents?
2. Were Martin Tankleff's civil liberties violated? How?
3. Which of Martin Tankleff's rights were violated?
4. What type of recourse should Martin Tankleff have in this case?
5. Based on this case, and the case yesterday, do you think a jury trial is always a fair trial?

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The Right to a Fair Trial,0,182822.story,0,1911067.story?coll=ny_breaking_500,0,1976604.story?coll=ny_breaking_500,0,2304290.story?coll=ny_breaking_500

Click on the links above, or copy, and paste the links above into your browser. Read the articles. Then answer the questions below in the form of a paragraph.

1. What role, if any, do you think race played in this trial?
2. Do you think race SHOULD have played a role in this trial?
3. Do you think the outcome of the case would have been different, if the races of the people involved were reversed? Why?
4. Do you believe that John White received a fair trial?
5. What other actions could/should Mr. White or Mr. Cicciaro have taken in this case?