I will be using this blog to post your assignments. Generally, I will post your assignments for the coming week on SUNDAY NIGHT. It's up to you to decide how to budget your time. You can complete your assignments day-to-day, or you can go ahead. Many of my students like to finish their assignments early, so they have less to do over the week.
Week of 9/9/15.
1. Download, and print the classroom contract. CLICK HERE for the contract.
2. READ and REVIEW the contract with a parent, or guardian. Check off the appropriate spaces on the contract. You and your parents must also SIGN the contract.
3. OBTAIN all of the necessary supplies for this class, including the classroom supplies. Your supplies are:
- 1 Looseleaf Binder with Looseleaf Paper
- Notebooks are NOT acceptable for use in this class
- 1 Assignment Book or Planner
- 5 Subject Dividers for your looseleaf book
- 1 Folder
- 1-2 pens
4. OBTAIN the classroom supplies for this class. Your classroom supplies are:
- ONE package of LOOSELEAF paper
- TWO Packages of Pens (Blue or Black Ink)
- One package of Markers
5. Continue working on the SUMMER ASSIGNMENT, if you haven't completed it already. The Summer Assignment is due on 9/21. There will be an exam on the information contained in the Summer Assignment on 9/25.