Wednesday, May 25, 2016

HW 5/25/16-5/30/16

1. Please obtain a set of index cards. Preferably, one that is spiral bound
2. CLICK on the List of Important terms and concepts for the Regents Exam. By FRIDAY, you are expected to have completed the first TEN terms and concepts by tomorrow; from the "Affirmative Action," to "Cold War" If you have the small, blue Regents review book, the numbers in parentheses indicate where you can find that information. For EACH term, you should
  • Identify its meaning
  • Time and Place it took place
  • Why it's important 
There will be quizzes each day, based on the previous night's terms.  

Complete on index cards, "Cuban Missile Crisis," to "Grange Movement"

Friday: DUE TUESDAY 5/31/16 
On index cards, complete "Great Compromise," to "Third Parties" 

Wednesday 6/1/16: 
Complete the remainder of the terms, "Truman Doctrine" to "World War II"