Here are your HW assignments for the week of 5/21/12. Please note that all HW assignments must be accompanied by a parent's signature. Unless otherwise noted, all HW assignments are due to the next class day:
TUESDAY 5/22 -
Complete the June 2010 Regents Exam MULTIPLE CHOICE questions, 1-50 (ALL). CLICK HERE FOR THE LINK TO THE EXAM. This time, you must COPY THE QUESTION, and the correct answer. DUE THURSDAY 5/24.
Review of Colonial & Revolutionary America
2. Do Constitution reading .
3. Read/study Government cheat sheet .
4. Review/Summarize Chart of Supreme Court cases .
5. Complete the "Government Review Questions" worksheet.
2. Read "Early 1800s"
3. complete "Early 1800s Review Questions" worksheet.
Study Materials: