Monday, December 11, 2006

Extra Credit Blog Post
Hello, Everyone:

Interested in picking up a few extra points for the 2nd Trimester? Answer the question below in a minimum of 77 words, but no more than 119, and you can earn up to 20 free points toward your 2nd Trimester mark (total points, not points on your report card).
Background: The 18th Amendment to the Constitution banned the sale and use of Alcoholic Beverages in the US.
The Question
Do you think the government should have passed an amendment dealing with the consumption of Alcohol?

2nd Trimester Assignment #2:

Think of an amendment you would like to have added to the Constitution. In your post, describe the amendment and the reasons why you believe it should be made a part of the Constitution. Your post must be at least 74, but no more 117 words.
HW Assignment: 2nd Trimester Assignment #1

Reflect on the recent changes to our program, and classes. How do you think these changes will affect the 9th grade students. What's good about them? What are some things you are worried about?

Post your answers here. Write at least 65 words. Remember that posts are moderated, so you won't see your post right away.

Thanks for checking in. See you tomorrow!