Thursday, September 17, 2009

HW Assignment #5 9/17/09 (Due 9/18)

READ Chapter 3, Section 4 "The English Colonies Emerge" pp. 85-91

COMPLETE the following

  1. How was the French Empire in North America unlike the British Empire there?
  2. Describe the French movement into the Mississippi Valley and connect that development to the future French and Indian War.
  3. What were the causes of the French and Indian War?
  4. Why did Britain win the French and Indian War?
  5. What were the provisions of the Treaty of Paris, 1763?
  6. Who benefited most from this Treaty? least?
  7. How did Great Britain's victory over France affect Native Americans?
  8. Why did victory in the French and Indian War create a financial crisis for the British?
  9. What were the major provisions of the 1764 Sugar Act? Why did it anger colonial merchants so much?
  10. How did the French and Indian War help change the relationship between the British and the American colonists?
  11. What were the three major issues that had created deep tensions between Britain and her colonies by the mid-1760s?
* Fort Duquesne * Proclamation of 1763
* Fort Necessity * Prime Minister George
* William Pitt * writ of assistance
* Treaty of Paris (1763) * Sugar Act (1764)
* Pontiac

GEM (Go The Extra Mile) Assignment

CLICK HERE and View the Video "The Unfinished Nation: The Lure of Land." Take notes while you watch the video.

CLICK HERE. Download and Print the Podcast/Video form.

Complete the information requested in the form, and turn in your notes for a GEM (GO THE EXTRA MILE) assignment.

Who's gonna GEM?!?

Assignments 1-5

Click the Assignment # for the right link!
Assignment #5

Today's Lesson 9/17/09

In case you missed anything!