Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Study Guide for Imperialism Quiz

Hello, Everyone!

Here's a little guide to the quiz. It's scheduled for Friday, but if the copies aren't ready, we'll do it Monday!

15 Vocab Terms
Theodore Roosevelt
Emilio Aguinaldo
Adm. George Dewey
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Queen Liliukolani
William Randolph Hearst
USS Maine
Valeriano “Butcher” Weyler
William McKinley
Yellow Journalism
Sanford B. Dole
De Lome Letter
Open Door Notes
Monroe Doctrine
Roosevelt Corollary

35 Multiple Choice Questions. All will be taken from the regents prep website.

CLICK HERE for the link!

Additionally, you can watch the video, and all the lectures from last week's hw to help you.

Good Luck!