Friday, November 23, 2007

US History Extra Credit Thematic Essays

Hello, Everyone:

For those of you interested, here are some assignments that you can attempt over the weekend to help boost your grade.

There are three (3) assignments. They are all thematic essays. Each one is worth up to 2.5 points on your GPA (average) for the first trimester. Additonally, they make great pieces for your portfolio.

These assignments must be:

  • Typed or Neatly Handwritten in INK
  • If you type, it must be double spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman, or Arial only.
  • Handed in NO LATER THAN TUESDAY 11/27

Assignment #1: The United States Constitution not only provides a basic framework of government, but also allows for the flexibility to adapt to changes over time. Write an essay that:

1. Identify two basic constitutional principles and discuss how each principle allows the government to adapt to changes in the United States
2. For each constitutional principle you discuss, describe a specific historical
circumstance when the principle was used to meet the changing
needs of American political, social, or economic life.


Assignment #2:
Theme: Constitutional Change
Amendments to the United States Constitution have changed our
government and our society.

Identify two amendments to the United States Constitution and for each:
• Discuss the historical circumstances that led to the adoption of the

• Discuss how the amendment changed the United States government
and/or American society

You may use any constitutional amendment from your study of United States history.Some suggestions you might wish to consider include the 1st Amendment — personal freedoms (1791), 15th amendment — right to vote (1870), 16th Amendment — income tax (1913), 17th Amendment — election of senators (1913), 18th Amendment — Prohibition (1919), 19th Amendment — suffrage (1920), or 22nd Amendment — term limits (1951). You are not limited to these suggestions.


Assigment #3:

Theme: Contributions of Individuals to American Life

Throughout the 20th century, individuals attempted to address problems within
American society. Their efforts have had a significant impact on American life.

Identify two individuals who have had a significant impact on American life
during the 20th century and for each
• Describe a problem in American society that the individual tried to change

• Discuss an important contribution made by the individual to address
this problem

• Evaluate the impact of the contribution on American life

You may use any historically significant individual from your study of 20th-century United States history. Some suggestions you might wish to consider include Upton Sinclair, Henry Ford, Langston Hughes, Eleanor Roosevelt, Jackie Robinson, Martin Luther King, Jr., Betty Friedan, Rachel Carson, Cesar Chavez, and Bill Gates.
