Wednesday, September 29, 2010



QUIZ - Foundations of Gov't

Hello, RUSHers:

Here is the information that you will need to study in order to perform successfully on the quiz (scheduled for Monday, or Tuesday). You can use your class notes, as well the textbook readings. For those of you who have purchased the BLUE review book, reading over Chapter 4 would be EXTREMELY HELPFUL!

The quiz will be 20-30 short answer questions. Some of the questions will be vocabulary terms and names. These will be based on your Terms and Names from your HW assignments. There will be about 10 of those, and then you will have around 20 multiple choice questions.

Here are the topics to study

MERCANTILISM - What was it? How did the British benefit from the system of Mercantilism? How did the British use it? Why were American colonists against it?

NEW ENGLAND TOWN MEETING/HOUSE OF BURGESSES - Why were they important? How did they influence the formation of gov't in the US?

THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE - How did it influence the formation of government in the United States? What does the DOI say about the purpose of Gov't?

JOHN LOCKE/SOCIAL CONTRACT - What did it say? Why was it important?



We will spend some time in class Friday, and possibly Monday reviewing for the quiz. Good Luck!

Monday, September 27, 2010

HW Assignments Week of 9/27/2010

Hello, RUSH students:
Here are your assignments for the week of Sept. 27th.

Monday Night - Please Read Chapter 3 Section 4 in your textbook. Please complete the "Terms and Names" section on Page 89 of your textbook. Please complete the "Main Ideas" questions 7, and 8 on page 92.

Tuesday 9/28 - Please Read Chapter 4 Section 1. Complete the "Terms and Names" on page 102, and the "Main Ideas" Questions 11, 12, and 13 on p. 126

Wednesday - Please read chapter 4 Section 2 (pp. 103-108). Complete the "Terms and Names" on page 109, and the "Main Ideas" Questions 14, 15 on p. 126

Thursday - CLICK HERE for the video "Revolutionary War." Please watch the video, and complete a video/podcast sheet, which you can obtain by CLICKING HERE.

Friday - Review your notes, HW, assignments, etc for a quiz Monday or Tuesday. The quiz will cover the foundations of America's Government to the start of the Revolutionary War.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Homework Assignment 9/24/2010

Hello, RUSHers!

Here is this weekend's HW assignment:

1. Like the WJPS RUSH page (will be posted this weekend) on Facebook!
2. In your TEXTBOOK READ pp. 66-71 (Chapter 3, Section 1)
3. Complete "Terms and Names" on page 92
4. Complete "Main Ideas" on page 92, only numbers 1 and 2.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Posting to the Blog!

RUSH students:

When posting to the blog, please make sure that your name is included somewhere in the post. I have no idea of knowing who you are, and who's posting, if you don't put your name to it. I can't give you credit for the assignment if you don't put your name on the post. Thanks!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Home Work Assignments Week of Sept 14, 2010

Hello, Everyone!

In an effort to keep everyone organized, and to give you a sense of structure. I will make every effort possible to have your week's assignments laid out for you at the start of the week.

Here are your assignments for this week. Unless stated otherwise, please consider that all assignments are given are due the next class day.

MONDAY NIGHT - CLICK HERE for Assignment #2
THURSDAY - Create a rough draft of the Essay that you will write for the first project assignment "What America Means to Me." CLICK HERE FOR the DETAILS. Your rough draft is due on MONDAY.

That's what's on the agenda for this week. Hope this is helpful!

Our First Project

What does America Mean to Me?”

Due Date: 9/24/2010

It's been called the Land of Opportunity, the Land of Liberty, a melting pot and a great experiment. For more than 280 million people today, the United States of America is quite simply "home" -- a place of beauty, comfort and memories as well as a source of pride, strength and stability in an ever-changing world.
What does America mean to you? For this assignment, you will express those ideas in a written and visual form.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010


Greetings, Class of 2014!

Thanks for visiting the blog. I've set this up as a way for us to communicate with each other, and share ideas about Social Studies, school, the world, etc. I'd like to use this a way for us to even complete our homework assignments; saves paper, time, trees, etc.

As 9th graders, you and the other members of our Freshman Learning Community (FLC) will be engaged in a rigorous course of study in
US History and Government. It is an extremely challenging course. Some members of our learning community will be taking Advanced Placement (AP) US History. This is a college-level course, with a demanding exam that is taken in the beginning of May; students who are successful on this exam can earn up to six (6) college credits for their efforts!

Assignment # 1 - 9/08/2010

Here is your first assignment. There are five things you need to do. Please note that you must complete each of these five steps by MONDAY SEPT 14, 2010.

1. Purchase a copy of A Quick Review of US History and Government. You can order the book by clicking here. The cost of the book is approximately Eight (8) dollars. It is the BEST review book for US History that I have seen published! Please bring this book with you on the first day of school, as well as every other day of school. This book should always be on your person when you come to US History class.

2. Purchase the supplies for this class. CLICK HERE FOR THE LIST OF SUPPLIES. Please note that you are responsible for both the personal supplies, and classroom supplies!

3. CLICK HERE, print out the WELCOME LETTER. Please read the letter with your parents. Both you and your parents must sign the letter. Please bring it with you to class on Monday September 14th.

4. CLICK HERE, print out the CLASS CONTRACT. Please read the contract and bring it with you on the first day of school. You, and your parents must sign the contract. The contract must be on your person every day that you are in this class!

5. Click HERE to set up your account with POWER MEDIA PLUS. You will need this account, as sometimes you will be asked to watch videos for this class at home. DON'T WORRY! IT'S FREE! Enter the following passcode (copy and paste works best) yPNvYtchCh

Assignment #2 Due Date 9/14/2010

This assignment is due on TUESDAY SEPT. 14th 2010.


Based on the article, in your opinion, what are the FIVE most important reasons the author gives for studying history? Please briefly explain WHY you chose those five.

Before todays' class, and before reading this article did you think studying history was important? Why, or why not? Has that perception changed? Why, or why not? PLEASE BE HONEST. I will not be offended if you don't think studying history is important. All I ask is that you explain why you believe it is not. Please note that you can complete this part of the assignment, either by writing it on looseleaf, or by posting on-line.