Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Make-Up Assignment
Hello, Everyone:

In reviewing the results of the multiple choice section of the exam we took before the vacation, many of us scored less than positive results.
A passing score was 65. To earn a 65, you needed to get at least 32 questions correct. Some of you were not successful in scoring at least a 65.
In order to help everyone improve their performance, I've posted the exam online. http://teslersregentsreview.blogspot.com/
If you wish to improve your score, you will need to the following:
1. Identify the questions you didn't answer correctly.
2. Go back to those questions, and try to find the correct answer. If you get the correct answer, you'll get 1 point.
3. In addition, you can earn another 2 points per question by explaining why the other three choices were not correct. You must EXPLAIN why the answer was wrong in order to get the points.
You will have until MONDAY to complete the make-up work. Good luck!

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