Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Imperialism Notes

In case you missed class notes from the past two days:

Imperialism A belief that a nation’s power comes from taking over other nations

Why did the US adopt this idea?
1. Economy:
- The US needed markets for goods, and raw materials to make them
2. Protection:
- Keep foreign countries out of US territory
3. Culture:
- People in foreign countries would benefit from contact with Americans

The Spanish American War (SPAM)

When? 1898
Where? Cuba, Phillipines
Who? Spain, US
Why? To Help Free Cuba, Protect American Business
Why is it important?
1. US Becomes a World Power
2. US gets Phillipines, Puerto Rico, and Guam
3. US controls Pacific, and Latin America

Causes of the SPAM WAR
1. Social: Sympathy for the Cubans
2. YELLOW JOURNALISM: Exaggerated stories; made people angry towards Spain
3. CASH: US had lots of $ invested in Cuba, didn’t want trade cut off
4. Sinking of the Maine: Spain was blamed

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