Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tonight's HW

Based on our class discussion today...

Was the policy of ISOLATIONISM good, or bad for the United States? Explain your answer in a post of AT LEAST 75 Words.

Please CHECK SPELLING AND GRAMMAR before posting. Thank you!


Anonymous said...

The policy of isolationism is bad because after World War 1 the U.S.A High Tariffs on European Goods, Limited Immigration and what it came out? World War 2, Destroys trade w/other countries, Leads to Great Depression and Leads to anti-immigrant feelings. Isolationism is good to because it get you out of trouble from other places and if you get involve it will make things worst but if you don’t and you made a promise to them then you are die, too.

Anonymous said...

Any logical person would see that the policy of isolationism was bad for the U.S because of the blow to the economy it caused, for example The Great Depression which was caused by the complete stop of international trade in or out. Also, even though the U.S was the only power in the whole world that was able to stop the communist reign in Europe, it sat there and did nothing.

-Fernando Echeverri

Victoria said...

The policy of ISOLATIONISM was bad for the US because they would be isolated from all the other nations and they would limit the size of its navy. If the US did limit the size of its navy they would have less chance of defending themselves because theres a chance that whoever the navy is battleing against might have a bigger navy. ISOLATIONISM would destroy the US`s trade with other countries which would lead to a Great Depression and anti-immigrant feelings. This would be horrible for the US because it would lead to WW2 and the US being under ISOLATIONISM I suppose wouldnt have allies so they wouldnt join the war even though they are the only ones with the power to stop Germany, Japan and Italy. so Therefore i dont think ISOLATIONISM is good for the US because if under any cercumstances they are attacked by another nation their navy would be smaller so they have less defence and no allies to be helped by so they would be done for.
~>ViCtORiA RiOS<~

jonathank said...

The policy of isolationism was bad for the United States because it will destroy the trades with other countries, lead to great depression, and leads to the anti-immigrant feelings. Isolationism means the belief that the United States should stay out of the foreign affairs. This happened in 1920-1941 and the people was not happy about the results of the war which didn't make the United States stay out of the foreign affairs. This is why the policy of isolationism was bad for the United States.

Marlyn said...

Isolationism is the belief that the US should stay out of foreign affairs. I think that this belief doesn't make any scence because why keep U.S out of foreign affairs???All that they'll get from that is lost money and goods. The reason why people had this belief was because people were not happy with results of the war. I think that they should do this because the war was something that happened already so you have to think about what's to come in the future not what came in the past. By this belief they are preventing more goods to be imported/exported. Also they are preventing trade. That's Why isolationism shouldn't be allowed.

EsTefaNiA said...

For me, the policy of isolationism was niether a good thing or a bad thing, it was in between. The reason this policy is a good thing is beacause many people disagreed with the war. This made the U.S send less troops to war, which is a good thing because less citizens get killed. Another reason was that the U.S stayed neutral during the war and din't take sides. In the other this policy was a bad thing because the U.S was the only stong country to overcome Germany. While other countries can't, this made the U.S seem like they didn't care about helping other countries but themselves. Besides this it all leads up to World War II.

Anonymous said...

The policy of ISOLATIONISM was bad for the United States because it kept us from trading for goods with other European Nations, such as England, France, and Italy. Without being able to trade, the United States would lose not only goods which it needed for the people, but money as well. This crippled the United States' economy. With the economy crippled from having no money, the United States plunged into the Great Depression and eventually, into World War II.

~Jeffrey Shine 902~

sherman a.k.a muggzie said...

i feel that the isolation policy is bad. because, alot of people were affected. If america was strung out(if they ever were), we would need some one to help us. but not after that stunt we pulled. We need to wacth our backs, but at the same time we need to look out for innocent people crying for help. ( good samaritain look it up.)