Thursday, September 27, 2007

Blog Assignment #7 - Can you trust the Federal Gov't?

The Articles of Confederation, the first government of the United States, was set up with very little power over the states. This was done as a result of a fear, or distrust of a strong central government. This likely came from the colonist's experiences under Britain in the 1760's.

Today, many people continue to distrust the Federal Government. In your opinion, is this distrust justified? Or, is it OK to trust your federal government?

Reflect on this question, and write a reaction of at least 50, but no more than 100 words.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Anonymous said...

I think it is ok to trust the federal government.The government is supposed to protect us not hurt us.Yes sometimes they make bad decisions but we should still trust them.They care about us and they also protect us.The government is very powerful and they can protect us no matter what.
That is what I think about the government.
-Chrissy Thomatos Period.6

Anonymous said...

I think that if people dont trust the Federal Government it is OK and if they do, that is also OK because people have the freedom to believe what ever they what to believe in. I think that some people might think the government is doing something bad to them, other people, or the environment. Some people think the government is that to protect them and their rights.

Monica T.
Period 7

Katheryn said...

I think its ok to trust your federal government but not all the time. because you may never know if what the governemnt is doing good for you or bad. in some situations you can trust you federal government but not in all because if you do you might trust it so much the frederal governemnt might just backstab you and do somthing realy bad that you cannot help youtself get back to a good point again. so it realy depends on the situation, but me i woudlnt trust my federal government at all, but some other people are different.

--Katheryn Angeles♥♥

Anonymous said...

I think that it is ok for people not to trust the federal government, because many people have certain opinions about things going on today, and they don't like how the federal government is handling it. People should have the right to distrust their federal government, also because ecah person thinks differently. Maybe some people don't beleive with what the government is doing with a situation and they beleive that they should resolve the situation in another way. People can also disagree with their governments beliefs and choices for America, and they want to have a different government to think the way they do. Not everyone is going to like their government, and I think that they should try to handle it as best as they can.

Anastasia P.903 period 4

Anonymous said...

Yes I do think you can trust the Federal Government at most times.However, in times of chaos where something bad happens the Federal Government turns into a regular group of people who think only about their safety and not others.Honestly in my opinion I don't think the Federal Government cares at all bout anyone else aside from them.Aside from the Police,firefighters, and Emts.

Billy Poulos

Amanda P. said...

I think that it is okay to trust your federal goverment, until they prove you other wise. The federal goverment is made to protect the people and if people do not trust it, it is not doing its job. I think that everyone should trust their federal goverment until they do something that makes you not trust them.

Amanda P. 901 period 6

mariaA3 said...

Its o.k to trust your government because the Constitution has made sure that one part of the government I.E. president does not become to powerfull through the system of checks and balances. Also you have the right to vote which means that if the person you vote for does not look out for your interets you do not have to re-elect them.
Maria A
USHistory/09 period: 7

omar said...

i would say you can trust the govermenet becouse the people are the ones who give the goverment the their power and becouse they would make laws to protect us in a certain way or to take away a law to allow the people to beable to have more freedom.

Anonymous said...

sarah bianchi
I do think that to a point it is justified to distrust your government. You not always going to agree with what they are saying and doing. It is impossible to agree with someone all of the time. People may be fearful of what the government is going to do and what laws they are going to make. Most of all, how these laws will affect them. Althought this is all true we have a very stable government. I do believe or atleast i want to believe that everything they do is to help and protect us.

Cisco said...

I think we can trust the federal government because they don't hold as much power as they used to over us and they can't control us as strongly as they used to be capable of. We can trust federal government because power is split and we can choose a new government if we think they are being unfair to us, or if they are taking more power then they should be. i think there is no way federal government can be as powerful as it used to be.

Anonymous said...

Today, many people continue to distrust the Federal Government. In your opinion, is this distrust justified? Or, is it OK to trust your federal government?

Both. In my opinion, you can't completely trust the government because sometimes, they might not do exaclty whats best for you but the best for themselves. But you do have to have some trust in the government because their here to help you in situations you cant get yourself out of.

Livi Cabrera
Period 6

Anonymous said...

I think that people don't trust the frederal government because that they might have a problem and they might make it wrose then it all ready is. Now they don't trust it becuase they think that they might do somrthing that should not do but they might do it any. They want to be sure that they can handle there problems if they can't they might have an even bigger problem than what they had in the first place. The fedral goverment is hard to trust you don't know who is handing your moeny and your problem for all you know is that somebody might mess it up anfd you would end up in a really bad place and you can't decide on what to do so it is hard but it is what we think is better.
Erin O'D 903

Anonymous said...

I will still distrust the goverment because we dont know what the goverment is doing with the power that he has. He might be using it in a bad way. The goverment dosent use that power that he has to help people and save peoples lives. The day of 911 the goverment didnt help people that helped that day like paying for their sickness. If he dosent use that power the right way we can take it away from him.

richarpwjps said...

It's ok to trust your federal government because they protect and serve us. That means that the gov't will protect us from attackers. It also means that the gov't will serve us. President Bill Clinton lied about a sex scandal and that made some people worry that the president, who should never lie about anything, wasn't trustworthy.So far, the government has proved itself trustworthy to me.

Anonymous said...

To trust the federal government is ones own. In my opinion it is okay to trust federal government because they have done many things to try to better our lifes. Yes, maybe they have done some mistakes but at the end you should try to trust them because your living there and if you feel you cannot trust the federal government, then you should move somewhere else where you feel you can trust the federal government.

---Kristofer Diaz

Anonymous said...

I think there should be no reason to distrust the federal government. so far in my opinion the gorvernment has not been unfair to anyone I know or myself. They have fair laws that people can follow. Sure other governments didn't work out but that gives no reason not to trust this one.

-Rabaya Rahman
class 902

Anonymous said...

well i think the distrust people have now is only in the hood i don't think anybody in a good neighbor hood. s that being my concept, i think it is not justified and that there should be no reason to distrust the government if u do everything that you are suppose to do. for example if you go to school and you get a job and stay out of gangs and away from drugs you don't need to worry about anything because you will have enough money to pay taxes but if you do what you are suppose to do.
teila t. 902

natalie said...

i think that every one should trust the federal government becouse they try to do their best btu then again sometimes they dont do every thing they can knowing that they really can but they just let it slip . i think thats the reason some people say we cant trust the federal government

Anonymous said...

I think that people should trust the federal gov't because they do not abuse their power. Also becuase they do protect our rights. They also let us have a say in what we think. We are aloud to vote for who we want in the government so its like the peoples choice.
Eirene Skocos class 903

Anonymous said...

I think it is more than okay to trust your federal government. I think this because they are in charge of many things and if you do not trust your federal government then you wont be able to trust anyhting they say or do. Also what the federal government does can help you sometimes. Also you have to trust your federal government cause they provide for you and try their hardest to make everything good for the people.

Nick C. 9-01

Anonymous said...

I think that people should trust the federal government becasue we've had it for so many years and the governemtn does not abuse thier power. And also the government protect our rights.And the government is allowing us to say whatever we want and would take our word for consideration.They care about the poeople and have proven it to us by giving us equal rights.

Bridgette V
Period 6

Anonymous said...

In my opinion i think that people do have the right to not trust there goverment. I think there alot of things that people don't agree with. I say trust no one, espeacially the people who run your countrey, and besides they dont trust us why should we trust them, they never tell us anything about sector six they probley have a transformer hidden in a cave somwhere and refuse to tell us about it.

mariela.o said...

I think it's OK to trust your federal goverment if it's a fair goverment. But if it fails you always have the choice to overthrow that goverment. But either way I think that trust makes a strong goverment. Because if there is no trust then the goverment will not be able to have enough power to make the right choices for a nation, a democratic nation. There is no reason to distrust the goverment unless the goverment does something to break that trust.

by:Mariela ortiz (per.7)

Anonymous said...

i think the distrust is justified. it has been a long way since we broke free, at firts it was a little rocky, but after they fiqured out a new way that was worked so far`; so yes the distrust has been justified, and we should trust our qovernment now; they are here to help protect our riqhts. sow e should trust them,

Melissa I. said...

I think this distrust was justified. I think the people had every write to distrust the government. After all they trusted the king and look what he did to them. They didn't want to let there guard down and be hurt and abused again. They felt if they gave the government to much power they would be making the same mistake as letting the king have to much power.

mOllie :] said...

My opinion no I do not trust government because like i know they cant always protect me where ever i am.
like for example if im walking in the streets & like say it was a driveby can the goverment protect me no.well thats the way i see it.
they should make more strict laws with selling guns & knives to just anyone.thats just my opinion on in ways i yeah i can trust my government but then in ways i cant.

mollie k. 902

Bridgette C said...

The Articles of Confederation, the first government of the United States, was set up with very little power over the states. This was done as a result of a fear, or distrust of a strong central government. This likely came from the colonist's experiences under Britain in the 1760's.

Today, many people continue to mistrust the Federal Government. In your opinion, is this distrust justified? Or, is it OK to trust your federal government?

Though many people today share a general mistrust for the federal government, I feel like this negative attitude is worse for the nation as a whole. If you do not trust your government, you might not trust its decisions. As we elect the people in power, rhe federal government is sort of a reflection of the political preferences of the majority, and though reasons may differ, I think that mistrusting the federal government is unhealthy because it inspires political uncertainty which ultimately turns into a division of opinion, and a division of power.

Bridgette C

Anonymous said...

In my opinion i think it is okay to be able to trust your federal government. I think this because from incidents that happened in the past the government can learn from the mistakes they had made and not make them again. We have a good, solid, strong government that protects us, we have nothing to worry about. The Government has a lot of experience, unlike in the 1760's; where they had a weak Government.

Jaclyn Leone
PERiod 7

gtonydamasco said...

I belive that the american people don't really have a right to be upset at the Federal goevernment because we the people did vote on the people that are in these positions in government. And if we didn't pick some of the people that are in government, we did pick the people that selected the person to head our government. Although the American people do have a right to be mad at the Federal government for the fact of the peole that we elected tricked us into voteing for them through saying wht we want to hear.

Anonymous said...

I too distrust the federal government and also think that it is justified for so many reasons. One reason why is because they dont tell us everything about it, just the good part. They are always careful of they are saying. They cant give away all the information. If they did we would be quick thinking to overthrow them. This is why i distrust it.

Shazia Rahaman
period 7

jasonk izkool said...

I think it is a little bit of both. The government is the very threads that keep this country together and lay down the basic law, but they have done many bad things behind closed doors. The Iran Contra scandal of 1986 is a great example of this, Reagan was staying one thing on TV but doing another behind the scenes. Jason K 902