Wednesday, October 03, 2012

What Does America Mean to Me?

What does America Mean to Me?”
Due Date: 9/25/15

It's been called the Land of Opportunity, the Land of Liberty, a melting pot and a great experiment. For more than 280 million people today, the United States of America is quite simply "home" -- a place of beauty, comfort and memories as well as a source of pride, strength and stability in an ever-changing world.
What does America mean to you? For this assignment, you will express those ideas in a written and visual form.

What do I Have to do?
1. Based on your experiences, in both school and “the real world,” consider what America means to you (Examples: Freedom? Opportunity?)
2. Brainstorm, and make a list of all the different things that America means to you. Then, narrow that list to the two or three most important things (in your opinion).
3. Once you have those ideas in mind, think about what those ideas would look like. What pictures, or images do these ideas create in your mind?
4. Using those images in your mind, draw, or download pictures that best express what America means to you in a visual form.
5. After you’ve selected your pictures or images, write a one-page composition that expresses your feelings in a written form. Try to make it clear to the reader what you are trying to say with your visual. Please make sure your composition is either typed, or neatly written in ink. IMPORTANT: There’s no right or wrong answer. However, you must be able to explain your answer.
6. On a piece of poster paper, attach those pictures, or images, as well as your composition. Try to use a colored piece of poster paper if possible. Arrange them in any manner you like (a collage, cut-outs, etc.). Make your presentation eye-catching and appealing; something that you would be proud to present to your classmates, parents, etc.
8. Write your name, and class on the back of your poster board.

How Will I be Assessed? This assignment is worth 100 points.  Click here for the rubric.  Please print it out, and hand it in with your project. 


Cisco said...

America means the land of opportunities to me. Every one around the world wants to come to America for a better life. America means the land of the free because, all Americans fought to make it free. America has a lot to offer such as homes and education. I am proud to be an American. Francisco cespon 9-2

Daniela said...

What America Mean to me?
American is a land of liberties,a land of freedom, and a land of privilges .People from other countries move here to the U.S looking for jobs, education, and a new life. When poeple move here their looking for some type of future for them and thier families, something they couldn't find in their home country. And they're right the U.S is the right country to move to and look for a better life, I know I move here about 6 year ago. You can tell the difference between your home country and the U.S. To me America mean a new opportunity. Is like life is giving new a new chance to start over for a better life you and your family.
Daniela Varcasia

Zoe said...

America means freedom to me. We have the right to be safe and express ourselfs. In places like China;if you hold a protest,youwill be beaten by the police. Or in certin countries,where there are genocide going on towards people just because they are expressing themselfs. I'm proud to be an American because I have the right to express myself and not be punished for it(or be beaten by the police).

Anonymous said...

To me America means land of the free and opportunities thriving everywhere many privileges are in America such as jobs, homes, and many shops.Many men and women fought for America that what makes it so special its a better life and for the future.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Tesler, just commented you to say I made a blog.
-Shannon 931

meagan betances said...

what america means to me?
america means to me a country of freedom and hope. not all the countrys in the world are like usa. we have learned from our past mistakes and grown from them. america means that to me ...
were we suppose to post it?