Saturday, September 08, 2007

A Word About Posts

Hello, Everyone:

Just a short note about posting.

1. Posts are not IM's, or texts. They are serious pieces of writing. It is a homework assignment. Please write the same way you would when you are turning in a composition for grading.

2. PLEASE sign your name, and class period to your post. It will make it much easier for me to determine who is who, and give credit to the people who deserve it.

3. Avoid using your last name. Your First Name and last initial, as well as your class period will be just fine.

4. Please avoid multiple postings of the same posts. Posts are moderated, which means I have to approve them before they go on the blog. That's why you won't see it right away. It doesn't mean that I didn't get it. If you sent it, I'll get it.



gtonydamasco said...

After reading the article assigned I've learned that America is a place where people can do, say, and see things that you want. We can say that we believe America is a tad unfair with its high gas prices and with everyone caring more about the newest ipod than having to pay their bills and taking care of their family. We can also say that America is a land of freedom that has gone through a lot in the past and we are proud to have been a part of that. America is a free country where you are allowed to let yourself be heard.

Giananthony damaco class:902

mariaA3 said...

What America means to me?

The article that I read is about different types of people who have different beliefs about America and how they respect it in thier own different ways. They believe that America is the land of opportunity in which people are allowed to become a unique individual without the Government interfering in their lives.

Maria A