Friday, October 12, 2007

Tonight's HW 10/12/07

Here's tonight's HW assignment:

1. READ: The handout you were given in class today. You'll be reading pages 70-74. Since these are yours, feel free to highlight, annotate, etc.

2. When you're done reading, complete the following:

a. "Terms to Know" on p. 70
b. "Reviewing and Using" p. 74. You are only responsible for completing numbers ONE, FIVE AND SIX (that's 1, 5, and 6).

Due Monday.

Keep up the good work!

1 comment:

natalie said...

1. What are some personal qualities that you think a leader must have?
I think that a leader should be able to speak in front of crowds also know how to carry them self in front of a large ordinance be friendly with every one talk to people about school and what there ideas are and juts like to do what she or he is asked to do and mainly have dedication .

2. What personal qualities do you have, which you believe would make you a good candidate for SGA?
I know that I can speech in front of people and get them to believe what I am trying to get out. I also love to talk to people and hear what they have to say and will try my best to get what they wish for I think that I will be a great person to be in the SGA because I know I have the dedication and commitment to stay after school or weekends and help out with whatever I am asked.
3. What are you willing to do, in order to contribute to your school's culture and community?
I really will love to do a lot of things where it involves the whole school working together where we all have to do something to get to the end . Fore the past three year I have been doing a thing where I get letters from the post office and answer little kids wished for Christmas. I will really like if I could get the whole school in to helping and much more.

4. Describe, if you have any, previous experience with student government.
Yes I do at my old school I was the 8th grade precedent and also my class president.