Tuesday, September 16, 2008

9R HW 9/17 (p2 and p4)

Hello, everyone:

Here's your assignment:

Based on our class discussion, and the video we watched in class today discuss...

1. How did people react to the declaration of Independence?
2. In reality many people thought the declaration of independence was a bad idea. Why might they think that?

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Anonymous said...

The reason that a lot of Americans thought that the Declration of Independece was a bad idea was because if could start a war which it did.

David W

Anonymous said...

they werent that happy because they had to follow all the rights.people might of thought it was a bad idea because they had to follow directions and there were rights given.
stefani greenstein

Anonymous said...

the people reacted to the Decleration of Independance in many different ways. Some people were very happy to have the Decleration of Independance because it ment more freedom in the world. Some people were not happy with it because they didnt want to have more freedom then they already had. Some people thought it might cause to many problems having people to be so free.

Leni Matava 903 pd4.

Anonymous said...

1. some people acted happy because they knew that had freedom and where not ruled by a mother country(king). Other people might have reacted scared because they might have been wondering how will they get trade or come in to communication with other country so they can get food and other supplies.
2. They might have thought it was a bad idea beacuse they might have not known what to do once they were free, or where to start on a new "slate" with other counrties.
Ariadne R. p2

Anonymous said...

The People reacted to the Declaration of Independeence with excitement. They were happy that they were now a free nation in which was not under Britain's control anymore, but alot of peole thought that the Declaration of Independence was a bad idea because they thought that if they became a free nation that they will get killed or that America will fall apart
anthony p2

meagan betances said...

meagan betances 902

1. people react to the declaration of independence by suddenly feeling more free and realizing the power of the thirteen colonies.
2. many people thought the declaration of independence was a bad idea maybe because they really believed that with out britan that they would fall apart. that they could not handle the responsabilities.

Anonymous said...

The people reacted to the Decloration of Independence in a good manner. This is so because people wanted to be free from Great Britian because they were enslaving the Americian colonists. Some people didn't like the D of I though because they thought that this country had a great bond with Great Britian and didn't want to lose it. In reality, some people thought that the D of I was a bad idea because we lost our bonds with Great Britian and we were being taxed more and Great Britian killed many people during all of the wars.

Andrew Villa second period 931

Anonymous said...

The American people reacted to the decleration of inderpendence, they thought about breaking away from england because they were going to make americans pay taxes.

In reality many people thought the declaration of independence was a bad idea beacuse they wwere scared that england was going to kill them.

Alyssa Longo period 2

Anonymous said...

According to our class discussion and the video we watched, the way people reacted to the Declaration Of Independence was that they were unsure about the meaning of the entire thing. They wondered if when he wrote the words, "All men are created equal," if he really meant just men. If he really meant just white men. Yet, no one knows the answers to those questions.
In reality, many people thought the Declaration Of Independence was a bad idea. Some thought that if the document was not sufficient, they would all be sentenced death and would be obligated to be hanged. All fifty-six of the men who had signed the document. They probably thought that they were putting everyone's lives in danger and that we would never be a free country no matter how hard we tried. These were most likely just some of the doubts the people had.

Brianna H.
Period 4.

Anonymous said...

how people reacted the declartion of indpendence is that they threw the tea in the water to express how there feeling about the tea taxes which lead to the boston tea party. Also many people thought that the declartion of indpendence was a bad idea because they thought it would be a death sentence .
Alexandria Barry period2

Anonymous said...

The loyalists were against the declaration of independence because they thought it would mean war. They believed that the amarican colonists were english people. They obeyed to king george.
The colonists and patriots believed that america should control itself and the independent monarchy.

Anonymous said...

1}People had alot of different responses to the decleration of independence. At first some of the colonys werent on board with the idea. England disliked the idea they thought they were getting betrayed.
2}Alot of people thought the decleration of independence was a bad idea because it was felt that Americans were acting like babies. Besides England was the mother country.

Moses Allred period #2

Anonymous said...

Some people liked the idea of the Declaration of Independence and some didn’t. The people who did wanted to be free and have their own country. The people who didn’t like the Declaration of Independence were still followers of the king. In reality it was bad idea because there would not have a government to protect their natural rights and not have trade with England, but it was also good because then they would not have to pay the unfair taxes and could make their own rule.
Anastasia Ioannou
Period 2 :)

Anonymous said...

The people agreed and was full of joy, when they heard the Declaration of Independence. In Boston they took down the statue of the king from the state house and burned it.John Adams convinced the delegates in the second continental congress to have the courage to begin the world over again. As well, Thomas Paine stated in his pamphlet, Common Sense, that "we have it in our power to begin our world over agian." Finally on July 2, 1776, Congress decided to declare independence. Thomas Jefferson was the one that was put to write the Declaration of Independence, and after the delegates made a few changes it was done. On July 4, 1776 the Declaration of Independence was adopted. Throughout the American colonies there was a debate between those who wanted to remain loyal to the British and those who wanted to break free. Many people thought the DOI was a bad idea because they thought the King would get very angry and decide to cut off the colonies, or send more troops to hurt them. As well, people knew if the colonial army was defeated by the British they would have to pay with their lives.

Gabrielle Rosado
Class Period 4

Zeelex_101 said...

People might have thought the DOI, was a bad idea in the beginning because, as a new country, America has alot of responsibilities. Also,the british considered this treason. In all the idea of it, scared the american citizens, because the british were coming.

-Michael 931, P.4

Anonymous said...

The way that people reacted to the decleration of the independance was good. That is because that decleration proved freedom and they were happy that it was signed by 63 people because that proved to them that they have freedome but still have to be under laws. Some people might think that it is a bda idea because that means that people have freedome and there are people who are against total freedome they think that people should be basically babysat so they think it is not such a good idea

Anonymous said...

People reacted to the decleration of independence wit a good responce and some with a bad respond. Some people agreed and some didnt. The ones that did agreed with it reacted well becuase know they knew that the british werent going to control them and abuse them. Some people thought that the decleration of independence was a bad idea because they said that know we were going to have ties with new england and there king.
-Christian Segura
9th grade.

Anonymous said...

The peoples first reaction to the Declaration of Independence was definitely a mixture. Many people had different opinions. Some people liked the idea, and others completely disagreed.
Some people probably thought that the Declaration of Independence was a bad idea because they felt that they would have too much freedom. And if they had too much freedom, then some people could possibly take advantage of a situation.

Megan E.
Period 4.

Anonymous said...

1)people were surprised that john adams an the other people were actually gonna rebel against the birtish 2)the people thought it was a bad idea to rebel against the biritish, and they can get punished or something so mostly everyone was scared but 56 colonists still signed it though

Anonymous said...

the name joseph was joseph Ebiotu period 4

Anonymous said...

The people reacted to the declaration of independence by they threw a lot of tea in the Boston Harbor. Also, that the Revolutionary War had begun over this document. I think that people thought the Declaration of Independence was a bad idea because now people have the right to declare there independence and that the people have the rights to do whatever they wanted.

period 2

Anonymous said...

When the declaration of independence was brought up most Americans were very happy at the thought of freedom.Many celebrated the long awaited freedom that they had desired. Others like King George, were angry at the colonists revolt.

Anonymous said...

Many people thought the Declaration of Independence was a bad idea because colonists feared the possiblity of a war and the weaknesses the colonists had.

brent owens. said...

i think that most people reacted to the DOI with a positive feeling, but some people still weren't happy with it. perhas the pople that din't approve of the DOI didn't like it b/c it separated them from England. even with all they've been through, the americans still might have thought thatstayingwith England wasn't such a bad idea. also, the Sons of liberty could have let the public vote on the idea of totally rejecting the British. most of these people became Loyalists when the revolutionary war began.

brent owens. said...

i think that most people reacted to the DOI with a positive feeling, but some people still weren't happy with it. perhas the pople that din't approve of the DOI didn't like it b/c it separated them from England. even with all they've been through, the americans still might have thought thatstayingwith England wasn't such a bad idea. also, the Sons of liberty could have let the public vote on the idea of totally rejecting the British. most of these people became Loyalists when the revolutionary war began.

Anonymous said...

1. People were glad because finally they were free from their bad king and now they had more equal rights.
2. maybe they thought it was a bad idea because it might have started wars.

- gaby varas
period 2

Anonymous said...

i thik that many people didn't like the DOI b/c it spoke for almost everyone in the colonies, and they didn't have a chance to vote on the seperation from england. some americans might have thought that the british weren't that bad and were a good supporter for the colonies. most of these people became the loyalists in the revolutionary war.
brent owens

Anonymous said...

1. The people reacted to the DOI because Americans were free of England and also that there was alot of problems between the U.S. and England.

2.I think the DOI was a good idea becase it helped alot of people by breaking free of England.

A.H. period 4

Anonymous said...

people reacted to the DOI in different ways. The colonists fought for their freedom and the british fought to keep control of the colonies. many thought i was a bad idea because of the war it would cause.

Crystal S.
per 4

Anonymous said...

the declaration of independence started a war which people thought it would start this is one reason why the colonists thought this was a bad idea. some people liked the declaration of independence because they had more freedom and some didn't want more freedom. some just wanted the declaration of independence because they were going to have rights and freedom that hey already had.