Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Can You Trust the Federal Government?

The Articles of Confederation, the first government of the United States, was set up with very little power over the states. This was done as a result of a fear, or distrust of a strong central government. This likely came from the colonist's experiences under Britain in the 1760's.

Today, many people continue to distrust the Federal Government. In your opinion, is this distrust justified? Or, is it OK to trust your federal government?

Reflect on this question, and write a reaction of at least 50, but no more than 100 words.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


mary torosyan said...

I think it is OK to trust our Federal Government because the whole point of our government is to keep us safe, and to protect our rights. If we have no trust in our government how do we know that we are really safe in their hands?
In the 1760’s it was understood that they were afraid of a strong central government because they thought that they would take away their rights, and freedom.
Now since we have a strong government, the government is here to protect us and how we live and to keep our rights under control without chaos. And if we don’t have trust for the government then I know I wouldn’t feel safe. That’s why I know that whatever the government does for this country is for our own good and to keep the freedom equal and right.

mary torosyan <3
period 4

Zeelex_101 said...

Michael Vitale P.4

In my opinion, it depends on your opinion if you can trust the federal governement. It depends on your past experiences with other governments and a few other things. But i feel that we cannot trust our federal government because they do lie to us sometimes, like cover things up. Also it is ok to trust the government because they provide good laws and 'reasonable' taxes.

Anonymous said...

My distrust of the federal government is that they declaire war wich many people don't want.
I think the power should be evenly shared because one man or a small group of people shouldn't rule the whole country. This is probably the same way the colonists felt because they came from a country that was ruled by monarchy.

Anonymous said...

I think that we should trust the government. I believe this because the government is suppost to protect our rights, our property, and our saftey. But, if we don't put our trust in the government, than they can't help us. It is like if you don't give money to a bank, where will you keep all of it. So, in order to keep our rights, we should give at least a of our little trust to the government. Pluse, if the government dosen't work out well, we have the power to get another government, one we can trust.

By: Andrew Villa 931 period 2

Anonymous said...

It is neither justified nor unjustified to trust or distrust the federal government. Its a matter of opinion. The government does do more for what will benefit them rather than us. In that case it is justified to distrust the government, it makes you think if theyre trying to plan something else. It is okay to trust the federal government because they do protect us and our rights. If they didnt we can over throw them. If they did someething they wouldnt be in position of a govenor because we can impeach them. It is okay to trust or distrust the government, it all depends on your outlook of them & what theyre doing with our country.
Crystal S.
Period 4

Anonymous said...

I think you can trust the Federal government because unlike our first government, we are not afraid that someone will take our freedom. Our government works together unlike the first government. We create equal rights for everyone in the united states. All this said, i do believe that you can trust our government.

Anonymous said...

This distrust is justifed because you cant always trust your Government because they could make bad desision for America. So depends on the Government if they have mad really good desicsion's in the past then maybe you could trust them but If they made descison's that ruined America you have a reason to distrust them.
Alexandria barry period 2

Anonymous said...

well I don't trust the goverment and think there justified because because we have because we have to many promblems. like with our morcage we are in trillions and trillions dollars in dept. So the gov. is not doing a good job. goverments dont keep promises either like making health care afordable for example.
joseph Ebiotu period 4

Anonymous said...

In my opinion it is justified to distrust the federal government for the simple fact that they keep secrets from us, they play hardball just to get money. They are supposed to work for us, but instead they work for their own personal reasons. They promise us so much in order to obtain the spot in which they uphold & once they are given the chance to prove themselves, they fail us all.

-Taschya Masionet

Anonymous said...

I think that it depends on the situation to trust your government. Sometimes it is necessary to trust the government because there duty is to protect you. However if the government in taking advantage of your like the British did to the colonists then it might not be such a great thing, and you might as well not trust the government. Today many people might not trust the government, but as of now I believe that we should not put our faith in anyone at this point, because damages have already been done and it is up to the government to fix those issues for the benefit of us all.

Anonymous said...

I think it is okay to trust the federal government, but only to an extent. I do not think you should trust it with perhaps your life, but you should not just ignore it completely. Although we have had troubles with our government in the past, like with the Articles of Confederation, the times are different now and things have changed.

Daniel P.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

I think that it is not OK to trust your federal government because even if you do everything they ask for like paying taxes and other things, they might violate your natrual rights. Also that they might decide to do something to the person by saying that they didn't pay there taxes but they really did just so the government could get more money.

Maria period 2

Anonymous said...

I think the colonists from the 1760's were justified in not trusting a strong government because they were afraid of what had happened before, but today in the present people shouldn't have a problem or not trust the government because over the years we created and sculpted the government into what was better for us, the people. Of course people don't like certain representatives or the elected president, but the government tries it best to keep the people informed and included. If the government does lie, its to protect the people from knowing certain things that might be dangerous or scare certain people.

Gabrielle Rosado
Class Period 4

Anonymous said...

Many people do distrust the government because they believe the government will change laws or not pay any more attention to them. If that happiness that mean that the people will not be that protected with the laws. Also many people do not agree with presidents chosen because they believe they will not do a good job on there duties. I think we should trust our government because they have been keeping us safe and giving elders money and protecting us so we should trust what they do. Basically we should take there word for it. I think we should definetly trust the government.

Isabela Janashvili

Anonymous said...

It is ok to trust the federal government sometimes. The federal government is not always trustworthy with some things. Although basicaly everything is controled by the federal government. They screen phone calls they control legal jobs and education. it is a undeniable thing that Americans face. So in a way if we like it or not if your a legal American citizen you have to trust the federal government.

Moses Allred Class period# 2

Anonymous said...

I think that it's okay to to trust your federal government, as long as you agree and understand what the government is trying to say to you. So, if you're trying to defend your federal government, then you have to stick with defending them. Because you're trusting them. And trusting your government would create a stronger government.
But if you feel that you're disagreeing with your federal government constantly, then the distrust is justified. Which makes your government weaker.

Megan E.
Period 2.

Anonymous said...

I do trust our government today. I think itis good to trust the government now. You can trust the government and give them some power, but you cant give the government too much power, but even if you do we the people can overpower the government and choose a new one we think will protect our natural rights better.

Phillip Lluberes Period 2

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, I think that the people are justified in having this distrust in the Federal Government. I think this because obviously, everyone is most definitely entitled to their own opinions so they are allowed to feel however they want about this topic. Maybe some of the people fear that what happened many years ago, could happen again. They could quite possibly be afraid that the government will not provide and/or listen if someone would like to take advantage of their right of free speech.

Brianna H.
Period 4.

meagan betances said...

meagan betances 902

i do not think it is fair. the government was like a shy teacher. when he does not raise his voice he will not get the classes attencion or respect. the class represents america who did not pay any mind to the president. not george washington but ... that other guy no one knows about. the true first president.

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