Monday, September 15, 2008

Tonight's HW Periods 2 and 4 9/16/08

Hello, Everyone:

For many of you, in your ELA classes, you've been discussing a very important question...

"What does it mean to be a good American?"

Well, to put a little spin on it, consider this...

"What does it mean to be a good American?"

As you respond to this question, think of the following to guide you...

  • Does being a "good American" mean that you listen to what the government says, and
    "do as you're told," or do you speak your mind, and call to attention what's wrong?
  • Do you protest when the government does something that you don't like?
  • When is it sometimes not appropriate to protest?

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Anonymous said...

I think that it is not far some of the time when the government be doing stuff when the pepople hane to pick a gorernment so and do I care about the gorernment yes becaues they have a lot to do with my life and with this place howerveri do lestain to the governmet and do nothing wrong for the government.

Andre belgrave 903

Anonymous said...

To be agood American in my opinion is to listen and understand what the government says. I think you should give your personal feedback on weither or not you agree and why butt following specific guide lines. A protest would be appropriate but only resonable. It can be inappropriate to protest if it specifically denies someone of their natural.

Anonymous said...

Being a good American means that you follow the laws your government has set up for you.That you are able to speak your mind when the government says something that you dont like. but it doesnt mean that you stop following the rules ur government set up for you in order to protect everyone around you
anthony period 2

Anonymous said...

What being a good American means in my terms is very simple. You will never betray this country you will never hurt this country in a way you will try to improve this country to the best of your abiltles and you in times of war will to die for your country.

David W

meagan betances said...

meagan betances 902

i think to be a good american requires a couple of things. you have to respect the laws and requirments of the country but at the same time have your ubjections. you should be able to find a group or small orginization that stands for the same thing you believe in while still believing what america is. you should listen to what government has to say but have some words of your own too. i think that makes a good american.
(sorry i am a horrible speller ...)

Anonymous said...

To be a good American means that you express your opinion to the government and you protest for something to make our community better for the people.

Maria period 2

Anonymous said...

What is being a good american? Being a good american means to have strong pride in your country & people. Its setting a good example for everyone, and always thinking about others. Good americans do have to listen to the government. If they do not agree with the gov they can & should be voicing their opinion. However, they should do it in a civilized, respectful, and orderly manner. They should also know the reason for protesting & have details to support their actions. I do not protest since i am under age. Sometimes its inappropriate to protest when the matter doesnt affect or if its best for the country even if you dont agree you just have to accept it, its not always fair.
-Crystal S
Period 4

Anonymous said...

When people sats to be a be good America it means to me that they will respect the law that the goverment set up for them. It also means that people do not go agaisnt the law like the drug dealers who sell illegal drugs. I think that beinging a good American is that they should not litter and obey the law.

Anonymous said...

The first comment was mine Micheal

Anonymous said...

What it means to be a good American is that you vote for the president and who you think would make a better choice for America. Also maybe you could go to the Army and serve for your country . thats what it means to be a good american.
Alexandria Period2

Anonymous said...

I think being a good American means listening to the law, paying taxes, and doing good deeds. I think that if you want to protest against something, like abortion, then that is okay because that is not a good thing. But if you are going to protest becasue you dont like the color og the WHITE house then you are wasting your time. I believe that is you strongly believe that something is that bad you should sign a petittion instead of have a protest. Protests can be dangerous and people might not take you seriously. But if you are mature about something then people will listen and take you as a good American.

Anastasia Ioannou
Period 2 :)

Anonymous said...

to me, being a good American is to listen to what the government says and do what it tells you, as long as it's reasonable. a good american speaks there mind when things are going wrong or they disagree with a new law. for example, if the government passed out a new law that kid under 15 couldn't be outsde after 9:00, no one would obey it. As far as protests go, i think it would be okay if people would protest against the law i just talked about, but not against things that are for safety and the welfare of the people.

Anonymous said...

to be a good american i think that it would mean speaking up for what you feel is right and not just letting other people control what they think is best for you. to be a good american i feel like you would be making an effort to have your voice heard so that you and your people all have an great understanding of how you want to be treated or have this country be ran.


Anonymous said...

I beleve that being a good Americian means that you are someone that uses the privliges to speek freely and also help the government protect the laws that we use each and every day. I also believe that protesting isn't rebeling the government, in fact, I believe that is part of being a good Americian. The only time I think people shoulden't protest about is something that the government is extremely serious about, like the Veitnam war.

Andrew Villa period 2 931

Anonymous said...

To be a good american you have to honor and respect the country and our cultures.Another way you can be a good american is by following the laws and not abusing your rights or your power.
Phillip Lluberes Period 2

Anonymous said...

In my honest opinion, I believe that being a "good American" IS when you listen to the government and do what you are told. If one person didn't obey the law, then most people would think it was okay because they didn't get caught. Soon, they would be doing the same things. On top of that, though, I think that at times (when appropriate and reasonable) it is a good idea to voice your opinion(s) and point out anything that doesn't seem to be working. When/if you do voice your opinion(s), they should not be harmful in any which way. That would not be a very good example of what a "good American" is. As goes for protesting/boycotts, I'm not so sure. I suppose that those things are okay to an extent, but if you cross the line, things may not end on good terms. If the government does something that you do not like, you do have the option to protest, but that is not always teh way to go. Sometimes, protests may be taken in a negative way and will cause you to be referred to as a "bad American."

Brianna H.
Period 4.

Anonymous said...

I think being a good American means that you do listen to the government and obey the laws, but you can also speak your mind and talk about some of the issues. In the Declaration of Independence we are guareented freedom of religion, press, and speech. As a journalist or writer you can express your feelings about politics and the enviornment in your local newspapers and such. As well as being a good American you have to pay taxes and have a little insight on what is going on. Some people have strong opions agianst the war and protest it. It isn't extremely wrong to protest as long as it doesn't turn into something like a riot because that would be to a point where that would be considered inappropriate. This is what I think it means to be a good American.

Gabrielle Rosado
Class Period 4

Anonymous said...

Being a good American means to care for your country. all Americans should at least know all of their previous presidents names.Good Americans should have to vote and make sure they know why they are voting for the person they are voting for. a good American is willing to sacrifice his/her life for their country by going to the navy army or marines. a good american has to be willing to participate in the government for if the government isn't fair or isn't doing his job right then the good American cab take part of this. It's really hard to be a good american but definitely not impossible.

angela rivera
903 period 2

Anonymous said...

In my opinion being a good American is being supportive of your counrty while making your needs known. I think that being a good American is to be giving, charitable & generous. I say this because America is a very rich country and I would like to think that we are sharing our wealth with those less fortunate in other countries.

-Taschya Maisonet
Pd. 4

Anonymous said...

I am a firm believer of the fact that everyone should not stay quiet with the government. I think we should all state our opinions and thoughts about what exactly the government is doing wrong and how we can fix it. I think we should potest when the government does something wrong. I know I would. And I think you should protest whenever you want. Only follow the rules of protest when nessecary. So in conclusion being an american means STICKING UP FOR YOUR COUNTRY!

-Shannon D. 931
Period 4

Anonymous said...

what it means to be a good american is to listen to the government respect ur envirment and listen to the rules in the world.

stefani greenstein

Anonymous said...

Being a good American voting, standing up to ehats right prostesting, or boycotting when neccessary. Not to be afraid to stand up for what you think is right. Having a clean record never get thrown injail,and even if you do change your ways.

Anonymous said...

joseph Ebiotu period 4 wrote that last one

Anonymous said...

i think being a "good American" means to use the liberty in which we have to benefit us as citizens For example if our governemnt was not taking care of us , us as Americans i think should stand up for what we think is best for us and follow citizens.

The times that it is not appropriate to protest is when there are others ways to solve a problem.

Anonymous said...

What does it mean to be a good American. To me a good american is someone who expresses his feelings toward the state in which it is living in. If you dont like what is going on and you think that stuff are going on you should say something or speak out. A good american votes, you should vote when it is time to vote because you are electing your next leader, that would be leading and making the decisions for your country. A good american always listens to what the government or leaders have to say. They obey. A good american follows rules. That is the deffinition of a good American to me.
-Christian Segura
9th grade

haidy said...

"What does it mean to be a good American"?
I think it means to follow the governments rules & obey it so there will be peace, but i also think being a good American means speaking your mind & your voice will be heard, like protesting. If your voice isn't heard the first time, and there are many people that agree with you, team up, work together! I think America's at its best when we all hear each other out. Thats what i think being a good American is. (:

-haidy from period 2

Anonymous said...

To me being a good American means to stand up for what you believe in. It also means that you would stand up for America. A good american would also try there best to help clean their communities // help keep there communities clean.

Alyssa Longo,
period 2

Anonymous said...

To be a good american it means to abay the laws and love your country and respect it. I do follow all the governments laws because im under aged and my parents kind of tell me to so i really have no choice. I dont protest against things because to be honest i never pay attention to much of whats going on unless people talk about it alot. I am not into protesting. i dont think it is appropriat to protest if someone is not aware of what is going on or they have nothing to do with it.
-isabela janashvili
periode 4

Anonymous said...

Because you're an American, you have the freedom of speech. So if you don't like something you should protest against it. Because it's what you believe in. So to be a good American means to speak your mind but still be respectful to other people.
When it's not important to protest is usually when you end up offending somebody. So let's say you want to protest against something, but you know it might hurt other people, then you should keep it to yourself and go a long with it.

Megan E.
Period 4

Anonymous said...

Being a good american isall about your impact in the community.
James M

Anonymous said...

What "being a good ameican" means to me is to listen to the government, follow the rules and laws and leading their own lives without harming anybody. Being a good american also asks you to speak your mind and making the right decision for the U.S. when you are a citizen of this country.
But not always do you have to listen to the government. You also have the right to protest. Ex: During a presidential election.