Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tonight's HW Periods 2 and 4

Please CLICK HERE for the assignment.


Given these materials and what you have learned about the Korematsu case, do you think that the Supreme Court erred in its 1944 decision? In what way, if any, do the events of September 11, 2001, affect your decision? Explain.

Please post your responses here. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

From what I learned about today from the Korematsu case I learned that because of september 11, 2001 those who were involved in it got blammed and those who were from the same country got limited to doing things beacause of what people from the country did. Just like in Korematsu case the Japanese were sent to the camps because of what happened. Korematsu didn't have anything to do with anything else the otehr Japanese did. He tried to change the way he looked because he liked a girl that wasnt Japanese and got caught. He had said that they were violating the 5th amendment.

-victoria eng

Brent Owens said...

I think that the Supreme Court's decision on keeping the japanese in internment camps was justifie. I think this was okay for them to do because in times of war, nations have to do everything possible to win. even though it was unlikely that the japanese in america would help out japan, it was still worth the risk for the security of the U.S.

Anonymous said...

I think the supreme court made a big mistake in the Korematsu case. He only wanted to help his country and was turned away. Then when he rebelled, they thought it was wrong. I think that any Japanese people put in the concentration camps, had the right to rebel. They were all inocent and the Germans and the Italians werent put into camps. So it is wrong put only one group of people in camps or prison if you dont know if they are helping some other country.
-Anastasia Ioannou Pd.2

Mary Bella Torosyan said...

No I do not think that the supreme court made a mistake on making the decision in 1944.
If America was attacked by the Japanese then they deserved to keep their own country safe, and if that included taking out all Japaneses' then they should do that. And I think the events of September 11th should be the same way, Because we shouldnt take any risks of America getting terrored.

Anonymous said...

yes I think there was an error in the descion because when he tried the case again after fourty years the court overtunered his conviction because on a count of faulty evidence. when the they was dealing with terriosm they was thinking if Korematsu veiws was correct.

joseph Ebiotu period 4

Allison O said...

I think they erred in their decision because we were fighting a war with the Italians and Germans and no actions were taken to make sure they didnt send serect information. Even in general during war times civil rights should not be limited because those are the civil rights our founding fathers put down to make this country what it is today: a fair and freedom worthy environment

Allison OHagan
Period 2

Sara T. said...

1)Yes, I think the Supreme Court made a mistake in the 1944 decision because the Japanese were treated like slaves. Commanders were telling them what to say or do and always followed their orders. The Japanse people lost their homes, belongings, families, and their civil liberties.

2)The events of September 11, 2001 don't affect my decision because I believe that people's civil rights should never be taken away in peace time or war time.

Sara T. Period:4

Anonymous said...

I don't feel that Supreme Court handeled the Korematsu case very well. This is so because they had convicted Korematsu for just expressing his civil rights. I had just recently been taught that without civil liberties, our country's government can become a Totolitarist government. Even if we were in a state of crisis, and even though he did try and escape internment, he was still an American citizen, and he was trying to protects his own liberties because the Gov't couldn't. The 9/11 incident kind of made me feel that the Supreme Court was right about choosing saftey over liberty. But, you never know, our gov't could of actually hoped for something like that to happen.

Andrew Villa Period 2 931

Anonymous said...

I think that when the relocation was first put into action it wasnt right but it was what the president believeed he had to do to keep his country & people safe. Now, the court does see these action as wrong. I agree because they had no probable cause to relocate them, their only reason to do so was their ethnic background. The Sept. 11 attacks do not affect my decision.

Crystal S
Period 4

Anonymous said...

Yes i do because the gov't shouldn't put people in jail or in concentration camps just because they suspect they are terrorists.The events of 9/11 does not affect my decision.
Phillip Lluberes Per. 2