Thursday, September 17, 2009

HW Assignment #5 9/17/09 (Due 9/18)

READ Chapter 3, Section 4 "The English Colonies Emerge" pp. 85-91

COMPLETE the following

  1. How was the French Empire in North America unlike the British Empire there?
  2. Describe the French movement into the Mississippi Valley and connect that development to the future French and Indian War.
  3. What were the causes of the French and Indian War?
  4. Why did Britain win the French and Indian War?
  5. What were the provisions of the Treaty of Paris, 1763?
  6. Who benefited most from this Treaty? least?
  7. How did Great Britain's victory over France affect Native Americans?
  8. Why did victory in the French and Indian War create a financial crisis for the British?
  9. What were the major provisions of the 1764 Sugar Act? Why did it anger colonial merchants so much?
  10. How did the French and Indian War help change the relationship between the British and the American colonists?
  11. What were the three major issues that had created deep tensions between Britain and her colonies by the mid-1760s?
* Fort Duquesne * Proclamation of 1763
* Fort Necessity * Prime Minister George
* William Pitt * writ of assistance
* Treaty of Paris (1763) * Sugar Act (1764)
* Pontiac


Olivia Kuros said...

1.The North American French empire was unlike the British one because French colonies had an exponentially smaller population than British colonies, their relationship with Native Americans was friendlier, and French colonists majorily consisted of merchants and those seeking capitalist ventures as oppose to family life.

2. The French claimed lamd surrounding the Mississippi Valley following the establishment of Quebec. This led to the war because America and Britain would butt heads when both are attempting to expand on each other's territory.

3. The causes of the French and Indian War were the first two wars which were fought between them, their overlapping and contradicting expantionist desires, and the building of Fort Duquesne by the French on former British land.

4. Britain won the French Indian War because they gained more Indian allies and won a short and bloody battle outside of Quebec by cathcing the French and their commander.

5. The provisions of the Treaty of Paris in 1763 was that all land was revoked from the French except some West Indian Islands and that Britain was granted all land East of the Mississippi River.

6. It would seem that the British would benefit from this treaty the greatest because it claimed so much land, but I do not agree with this because everything West of the Mississippi River was granted to the Spanish an ally of France. So I believe both sides benefit from the war.

7. Great Britain's victory over France effected the Native Americans greatly in a negative way. As more colonists were flooding America, Indians feared that there wouldn't be enough hunting game essential for their survival. Soon Native Americans banded together against the British under the ottowa leader Pontiac, they deployed battles but countless Indians died due to the British rebuttle being small-pox infested blankets.

8. A financial crisis broke out in America following the war because the British was spending so much just on soldiers and troops to protext the colonies and on top of this Britain was already in debt from borrowing so much money to fight the French Indian War.

9. The provisions of the Sugar Act of 1764 were that it split the tax on foreign made molasses, placed tax on certain imports, and it strengthened the enforcement of the law allowing prosecutors to conduct smuggling cases in a more strict vice-admiralty court as oppose to a sympathetic colonial court. Colonists were angry because they disagreed with these laws and how they should be taxed and governed.

10. The French Indian war helped change the relationship between the British and American colonists because the results of the war such as the Sugar Act would enrage colonists forcing them to rebel. After the war Americans and Native Americans grew to hate the British because of their selfish and capitalist ways.

11. Three major issues that created tension between Britain and her colonies during the mid 1760s were the presentation of small-pox infested blankets from the British to the Native Americans, the Proclamation of 1763 which left the Indians convinced the colonists that they disregarded their needs and finally the Sugar Act infuriated merchants and colonists.

Giorgos.Eleftheriadis said...

1. The British were unlike the French because the North American French had a smaller population, and they were friends with the Native Americans.
2. The French claimed lamd surrounding the Mississippi Valley This lead to war because British and French soldiers fought to get a peice of land of the opponent.
3. The building of Fort Duquesne on former British land and expansionism.
4.Britan won because it had more Native American Allies.
5. It revoked all of Frances land.
6. The British and the Spanish because they shared the land.
7. Great Britain's victory over France effected the Native Americans greatly in a negative way. As more colonists were flooding America, Indians feared that there wouldn't be enough hunting game essential for their survival. Soon Native Americans banded together against the British under the ottowa leader Pontiac, they deployed battles.
8. Because the British spent too much money on the soldiers
9. It split the tax of on forein made molasses
10. The result of the war made the colonists and Native Americans rebel.
11. The presentation of small-pox infested blankets from the British to the Native Americans, the Proclamation of 1763 which left the Indians convinced the colonists that they disregarded their needs and finally the Sugar Act infuriated merchants and colonists

Unknown said...

hey its christina vlahakis. i am trying to get to the video that we have for h.w the go the extra mile thing and it's asking me for user name and a password. how am i suppose to log in to this website to see this video if i dont have an option to see it and or to make an account????

naomi whyte said...

i cant access the video it keeps saying that the system only has books and that we should do our reading in the textbook cause i dont see any videos