Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Today's Lesson 4/21/15 "Glam Rock"


How was Glam Rock a reaction to the "seriousness" of popular music at the time?


In the wake of the somber introspection of the Singer-Songwriter movement, Glam Rock brought a sense of theater back to Rock and Roll.
With artists such as James Taylor and Gordon Lightfoot becoming major figures on the international popular music scene, many considered Rock and Roll to be losing its connection to the "show." For listeners who grew up with R&B, it was clear that things had shifted. If a James Brown live show included dance, costume, and theatrics, a James Taylor live show included none of that. Earnest, stripped down, often presented by a solo artist with a guitar or piano, the music of the Singer Songwriter movement aimed at intimacy and honesty.
Glam Rock was a kind of reaction, an unsettling opening up of the possibilities. It took different forms, from Roxy Music's Pop Art approach to Slade's back-to-basics Rock and Roll to David Bowie's theater of identity. But, across the board, it brought the "show" back to popular music.
This preliminary lesson centers on an investigation of Glam as a reaction. Through a set of comparisons, students will be asked to describe what they see as Glam Rock's fundamental characteristics.
  1. Watch the clips of Jackson Browne performing the song "Before the Deluge." As they watch, tell students to consider these questions:
    • What is the mood of the performance?
    • Does Browne appear to be focused on the audience as he performs? Describe the performance style as it relates to the conventions of musical showmanship.  In other words, is he more focused on playing, or relating with the audience? 
  2. Play the clip of David Bowie performing the song "Rebel Rebel." Take notes on the performance. 

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