Thursday, May 07, 2015


  1. CLICK on Handout 1: Social and Economic Conditions in the 1970s. I
  2. Based on the documents, complete the chart on page 4, and answer the discussion questions
    1. Overall, what do the documents suggest about social and economic conditions in the 1970s
    2. How might these conditions have helped make Disco music more popular? 
    3. In this type of environment, why might many young people have wanted to “escape” to the disco?
    4. How did American attitudes toward women and gay people appear to be changing in the 70s? 
    5.  Think back to the performers you saw in the video of Disco hits earlier in this lesson. How might what you saw in those videos show the influence of the Women’s and Gay Rights Movements? Think particularly about the performers, the way they were dressed, and the ways they expressed themselves.

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