Wednesday, June 14, 2017


WJPS US History Summer Assignments

Listed below, are options for your summer assignment.  You must complete a minimum of THREE of the assignments listed.  


Option 1:
“Most Historically Significant Individuals That No One Knows” Project.
  • Choose five individuals whose contributions to American history and culture have been considerable but about whom very little is known.  Avoid the obvious—no presidents, no first ladies!
    • For each person you choose complete the following tasks:
    • Explain who they are and what time period they lived in
    • What did they do?
    • Why do you think they are significant in U.S. History?
  • Create a poster, a PowerPoint, or a film that presents your choices, fills in the little known details of their lives, and explains the significance of their contributions.
  • You might want to focus on an area of history interesting to you and not dead center in the mainstream—medicine, engineering, art, music, video games, etc.
For a very cool example of this project, CLICK HERE

2.  U.S. History through Comic Books (or other popular culture media):

  • Choose one Comic Book Superhero (or other approved cultural icon) and create an illustrated timeline showing his or her development and how it has reflected the historical events of the time.
    • Provide a brief history of the superhero/popular culture icon
    • Explain how the superhero/popular culture icon was impacted by the course of historical events
    • Explain if/how the superhero/popular culture icon impacted U.S. history
    • Why are comic books/popular culture icons significant in U.S. History
  • Create a poster, a PowerPoint, or a film that presents your superhero, fills in the little known details of their lives, and explains the significance of historical events on their development and storytelling.
  • Track the history of the superhero through the decades: 1930s-present
  • Significant Seven: the seven most historically significant superheroes include:
    • Superman (June 1938)
    • Batman (May 1939)
    • Wonder Woman (Summer 1942)
    • Spider-Man (August 1962)
    • Captain America (March 1941)
    • Captain Marvel (January 1941)
    • The Flash (January 1940)
  • These represent some of the most historically important superheroes in American history; however, you are encouraged to find another character that you believe better represent the United States in the modern era.
  • Want an example of this project?  CLICK HERE

OPTION #3: Images That Defined America.   
Since its invention, photography has provided a window into the events that have changed the course of our nation.  Images are seared into America’s collective memory and chronicled our nation’s progress and struggles during an era of rapid change.

Your task:  Choose TEN images from The 50 Most Powerful Pictures In American History;  and then provide a 150 word summary explaining your choice.

Here is a sample summary:  Burst of Joy 1.pdf

Option #4: The Interview

DUE DATE - September 28, 2017

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