Friday, September 29, 2006


Wow. That was one of the best lessons I've ever been involved with today in class 901. You guys (and girls) were very passionate about this issue. I'm sorry if people got upset, but in a way, it's good. It shows you're alive! That you care very much about something. It's very inspiring when students get into an issue so much.

Anyway, for those of you who weren't there, here's the question:

Should the right to vote be limited only to people who are citizens of this country?

This is an issue that many of us, particularly those of us who have recently come to this country, feel quite strongly about. There are many different sides to the issue. One side, those who say "no," will state if you're not a citizen, you don't get to vote; kind of like if you go to the game without a ticket, you don't get in. The other side states that if these people are here working, and doing their best to start a new life, then the right to vote should be given to them.

Talk to people. Friends, relatives, the guy who owns the deli down the street. Your next-door neighbor. Get their ideas. Also, think about where they are coming from. What's their "perspective," or point of view. There's no easy answer to this.

Feel free to post to this as much as you like. Please maintain a sense of respect. It's OK to disagree, but not to disrespect. Good luck!

See ya!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Due Date: You must post to the site NO LATER THAN 11:59 PM Sunday Night.

What is up, people:

Mr. T here. I've really enjoyed looking at everyone's posts. If you don't have access to a computer, you can still complete the assignments on paper, and give them to me. Well, I guess if you don't have a computer, you're probably not reading this, but you can have a friend print it out and give you the assignment.

Anyway. Here's what I want you to think about. As we all know, and some of us have maybe even experienced, groups of people have been excluded from participation in government. By participating, I mean voting, holding public office, etc. From African-Americans, to women, to non-property holding people, at one time or another, people have not been given a say in their government.

My question to you is this:

What reasons might explain why certain people have been excluded from participating in government?

Write at least 127 words in response. You must also respond to another student's post, and write at least 46 words. If you aren't sure how to post a comment, simply repost to the blog, and put as your heading "Respond to (Name Here)'s post."

This blog thang is really working out very well. My goal is to get everyone on as soon as possible. C-ya in class tmw! Peace!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Tonight's HW BLOG #2

As a citizen of this country, what are your rights? What responsibilities come along with those rights? How can you fulfill those responsibilities.

Please respond to this blog in a minimum (at least) of 103 words. You must also post a comment to someone else's response. That comment must be at least 54 words.

Please take this assignment seriously. Be respectful of your peers, and school community. See you tomorrow!

Mr. T

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


In the interest of safety, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!!!


Just watchin' out for all of you. Please be safe.
Questions for the Quiz on Wednesday
Hello, Everyone!
Since I am such a wonderful person, and am committed to making sure you are all successful, here is a list of the questions that will be on the quiz tomorrow.
In fact, I am going to allow you to bring in ONE POST IT with as much information as you can fit on it, that will help you to be successful on the Quiz.
There will be about 20 multiple choice questions on the quiz. They will be based on the work you've done in class the last few days. BEWARE. THESE ARE NOT DEFINITION QUESTIONS. This is an exercise to see how well you understood the importance of the things you studied.
Here goes:
What was the effect of the decision of the United States Supreme Court in Marbury v. Madison (1803)
How would you describe Federalism?
What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?
What were the Federalist Papers? Why were they important?
What's an example of the "Unwritten Constitution?"
How are the Mayflower Compact, and the Virginia House of Burgesses similar?
Why was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?
What were the colonies expected to provide to England under MERCANTALISM?
Why was a system of checks and balances included in the constitution?

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Our First Blog Assignment:

Hi, Everyone:

Thanks again for checking in. Before we get to the question, I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate how hard all of you have been working. Keep it up, and we are going to do some amazing things this year.

OK (that's for you, 902!). Here's your assignment. And, no, YOU DON'T HAVE TO COPY THE QUESTION!!!

What type(s) of homework assignment would be "meaningful" to you? In other words, what type of assignments would be important to you. By important, I don't mean studying for a big test. I'm talking about assignments that you would care about doing. Things you would put your best effort into. Things that you would (is it possible?) ENJOY working on.

Please post an honest, serious, and meaningful reply to this question. It would also be cool if you would reply to other people's comments as well. Make sure that you leave your name and class in your reply, so I may be able to give you credit for completion of the assignment.

Thanks, everyone. See you in school!

Mr. T

Welcome New WJPS Freshmen!

Hello, Everyone!

Thanks for visiting the blog. I've set this up as a way for us to communicate with other, and share ideas about Social Studies, school, the world, etc. I'd like to use this a way for us to even complete our homework assignments; saves paper, time, trees, etc.

It's pretty easy to get an account on this site. Follow the directions at the sign-in screen and you should be OK. Additionally, Please make sure that when you post, you leave your name and class somewhere, so I know who is writing, and I may be able to give that person credit for their assignment.

Please note that as aspiring journalists, what you post here is for all of the world to see. It is expected that you will maintain a sense of maturity, and professionalism in your postings. This is a professional space, which will be viewed not only by me, but your other teachers, principals, and parents. While we do have freedom of the press in the USA, remember that you cannot publish anything that is untrue. Additonally, please do not publish anything that is harmful, hurtful, or disrespectful towards other people.

Finally, some safety issues. Only use your first name, and last initial when posting. Don't give any information about yourself (age, grade in school, etc.).

Again, thanks for checking in. Can't wait to read your posts!

Mr. T