Tuesday, December 05, 2006

HW Post:

I apologize again for the late post.

Anyway, for the night-owls...

The Constitution was written over 200 years ago...What, if anything would you do to change the balance of power between the state and federal gov't?


RaymondA said...

I feel the only thing I would change is the electing process of the president. I feel that the electoral college should remain, but they should only be worth fifty percent while whichever canidate has the most votes from states in total gets fifty percent. In the even of a tie the hole legaslative branch should vote using a fifty fifty mark one for senate the other for house of representatives. Then finally if that has a tie the former president will tip the vote.

Mia :]. said...

I dont think there would be anything that i would change. The state and federal gov't have an even amount of power, and they both have their own duties that they need to handle so basically everything evens out.

Victoria said...

I dont think I would change much. Maybe the fact that states should be able to vote on if they agree with something the Federal Government wants to do so that the states dont do things that they disagree with and vise versa...

Mr Tesler said...

nicely said, Yanill. It sounds like you really put a lot of thought into what you said.