Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Teacher Assistants Wanted

WJPS is Hiring!
Earn Community Service Credit or Hourly Pay


Job Description/Responsibilities:

TA's will help teachers by:

  • entering information into the school computer system
  • grading papers
  • organizing classes; filing papers, etc.
  • managing classroom technology; laptops, computers, video equipment, etc.

How do I apply?

  • Pick up an application in room 351 (Mr. Saltz's classroom)
  • Complete the application, and return it to Mr. Saltz NO LATER THAN Monday Feb. 5th!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Multiple Choice Question Links GOOD STUFF!

Here's a link to Multiple Choice Questions for USH. Mr. Tesler goes here to get your questions for your tests!

START STUDYING NOW! Don't Wait till June!

The Next Social Studies Unit - US Foreign Policy

Hello, Everyone:

In the interest of getting everyone ready for the next unit, here's what we're going to be doing next. Hopefully, over the next few days, if you've finished the take-home, you can start working on this .

We're going to be looking at America's Foreign Policy. In other words, the way that our country relates with other nations. We'll be looking specifically at the period from 1850, until about 1945. There's a lot of information there, so it's really important that we're all focused on what we have to do. Here's a link below that will give you information on what we'll be studying.

Hopefully, we'll finish the unit by the end of the month. Some of the ways we'll be checking how well you've learned include, but are not limited to:
  • A DBQ Essay Assignment: This one will come from the June 2001 Regents Exam.
  • Multiple Choice "Regents Style" Test
  • In Class Assignments

We're about 4 months away from the Regents. Keep working hard, and we'll all get there. Good Luck!

School Cancellation - January 30 and 31

In accordance with the DOE policy for Regents Exam week, high school classes will not be in session on Tuesday January 30, and Wednesday January 31st.

As a result, WJPS 9th grade students will not be in attendance on Tuesday and Wednesday. However, all WJPS 9th graders, and all NYC HS students will return to classes on Thursday February 1st.

REMINDER! All work that was due, is still due on the required due dates!

Monday, January 22, 2007

The Small School Experience

Hello, Everyone:

QHST Seniors thanks so much for participating in these discussions with our freshman class. This is a very valuable communication between us, and your comments and insights are very much appreciated.

Like you, our freshman class at World Journalism is the first class in a new small high school. To that end, it would be great if you could share some of your reflections about your experiences in a small high school.

When posting, I'd like you to think of these questions

1. How has this experience helped you as a student, and as a person?
2. How have you contributed to the growth of your school's community?

Your ideas are greatly appreciated. Whatever other information you could or would share would be great as well. Thanks for your help!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth

This is an extra credit assignment, worth up to 20 points.

1) Click on the title of this blog. This will take you to the Queens High School of Teaching blog, for Mr. Brown's Senior Gov't Class.

2) Read the blog carefully. It has to do with the movie "An Inconvenient Truth."

3) After you read the post, post a reply. Anonymous posts will not be given credit. Credit will also not be given for posts that use inappropriate language, or resort to calling people names. Stating that someone is "stupid" will not get you any credit. Reply using your knowledge, and facts.

4) Before you post, make sure you check your spelling. Spelling counts!

Good Luck!

BTW - If you need the link, here it is!

What's Going to be on the Regents Exam, Mr. T?

If you click the title of this post, there's a link to a list of a whole bunch of terms, people, places, etc. that will help you study for the Regents. The link is also listed below.

While you may not need to know every single one of these things in order to pass, the more of this information you can commit to memory will make it much easier for you to understand the questions, and will increase your scores!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Blog Assignment #3:

For more than 20 years, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's birthday has been celebrated as a national holiday in the United States.

In 1963, King made one of his most famous speeches; the "I have a Dream Speech," delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. During that speech, Dr. King spoke of his dream that people would be judged on the content of their character, and that people of all races, religions, etc., would be able to exist peacefully.

It's been nearly 45 years since Dr. King made that speech. However, there are still parts of his dream that remained unfulfilled.

Your assignment: Discuss the parts of Dr. King's dream that remain unfulfilled (hasn't happened yet). Explain why you think those things haven't happened, and what we can do to acheive them.

If you need to review Dr. King's speech, here's a link, which also provides audio as well.

Due Date is Thursday for WJPS students. QHST, you're more than welcome to post here as well.

Blog Assignment #3:

For more than 20 years, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's birthday has been celebrated as a national holiday in the United States.

In 1963, King made one of his most famous speeches; the "I have a Dream Speech," delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. During that speech, Dr. King spoke of his dream that people would be judged on the content of their character, and that people of all races, religions, etc., would be able to exist peacefully.

It's been nearly 45 years since Dr. King made that speech. However, there are still parts of his dream that remained unfulfilled.

Your assignment: Discuss the parts of Dr. King's dream that remain unfulfilled (hasn't happened yet). Explain why you think those things haven't happened, and what we can do to acheive them.

If you need to review Dr. King's speech, here's a link, which also provides audio as well.

Due Date is Thursday for WJPS students. QHST, you're more than welcome to post here as well.


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Target Based Instruction Class

CLICK HERE for links to websites you can use to research your project.
Inter-School Blog Assignment: The War in Iraq

You've had a chance to view President Bush's speech. Thursday, we discussed the issue in class.
You're going to be linking to a post of 12th Grade government class at Queens High School of Teaching. Click on the link below. Read the blog, and based on what we've discussed, please leave your comments.
Please note that people from another school will see what you've wrote. You are representing WJPS when you comment. Make sure that you identify yourself. Anonymous comments will not be given credit.
Copy and paste, or click on the link.
Posts must be made BY WEDNESDAY!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

HW Assignments For the Week of January 8th-January 15th
Hello, Everyone:

As we previously discussed, we're going to try going with a weekly list of assignments, to give you a better chance to plan out your time for this subject, and your other classes.
Assignment #1: Due Next Monday (1/15/07):
1. By next Monday, you will be expected to have read pages 182-205 in your
2. Answer "Terms and Names" and "Main Ideas" on page 208 of your textbook.

It is expected that you will be reading in your textbook each night, in order to prepare for the next day's class. It will make things go a lot smoother if everyone does their part and is prepared for class.
Here's the reading assigments for the week.
MONDAY: Read pages 182 to 187 in your textbook.
TUESDAY: Read pages 190-196 in your textbook. FINISH VOTING RIGHTS ESSAY!
WEDNESDAY: Read pages 197-201 in your textbook.
THURSDAY: Read pp. 202-205

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

In 1971, the 26th Amendment was added to the Constitution. This amendment
lowered the voting age from 21, to 18.

Today, some people are considering lowering the voting age past the age of 18,
to 16, and possibly 14. What do you think? Should the voting age be lowered?

Using the websites listed, research articles related to this topic. Then, based
on your research, create a FIVE PARAGRAPH PERSUASIVE ESSAY that discusses
whether or not you thnk the voting age should be lowered. You must make sure
that your essay has a:

1. Strong Introduction that explains your position clearly

2. Strong Conclusion that accurately summarizes your position

3. A minimum of THREE body paragraphs that help support your position

Assignment Due Date: This assignment is due NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY JANUARY 10, 2007

GRADING: This assignment will be graded as a test, and count towards
your second trimester mark. Students failing to hand in the assignment on, or
before January 10, 2007 will receive a grade of ZERO.


Good Luck! See you Wednesday!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Make-Up Assignment
Hello, Everyone:

In reviewing the results of the multiple choice section of the exam we took before the vacation, many of us scored less than positive results.
A passing score was 65. To earn a 65, you needed to get at least 32 questions correct. Some of you were not successful in scoring at least a 65.
In order to help everyone improve their performance, I've posted the exam online.
If you wish to improve your score, you will need to the following:
1. Identify the questions you didn't answer correctly.
2. Go back to those questions, and try to find the correct answer. If you get the correct answer, you'll get 1 point.
3. In addition, you can earn another 2 points per question by explaining why the other three choices were not correct. You must EXPLAIN why the answer was wrong in order to get the points.
You will have until MONDAY to complete the make-up work. Good luck!