Monday, September 10, 2007

Blog Assignment # 3 - 9/11 Illness

Please click on the link below (or the posting title) and read the article that follows.
After you read the article, write a reflection, based on the following questions:

How has money played a role in the care of 9/11 cleanup victims?
Who is at fault for the illness?
What changes in finance need to be made to correct the problem?
Is health care a federal, city or individual responsibility?

Mr. Walter Brown, a teacher at the Queens High School of Teaching, has a senior government class that is working on the same assignment. Click on the link below to access their class blog, and see what his kids had to say.

See you Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

How has money played a role in the care of 9/11 cleanup victims?

Money as played a big role in the care of 9/11 clean up victims because people have been diagonsed with different types of illnesses. This will cost them a lot of money to get it treated and even more money if there health insurance is bad or they do not have one.

Who is at fault for the illness?
I think that the goverment is at fault for letting these people work in unsafe conditions. A girl I know, her father died from lung cancer last year due to the fact that he was a police officer at 9/11. The goverment said that the air was perfectly fine to breathe, obviously not if a man had lungcancer after working there.

What changes in finance need to be made to correct the problem?
There should be some money or fund for the people who worked long hours in the result from 9/11 and are now sick because of what the goverment said was safe to breathe in.

What changed in finance need to be made to correct the problem?
If someone has gotten sick because of what they breathed in or came in reaction with at the scence of 9/11 the goverment should help with there hospital bills and the money that is spent for them to be cared for properly.

Is health care a federal, city or individual responsibility?
I think that health care should be an individual responsibility if you can afford it. If someone is horribly ill and has no health care or insurance someone should be able to help them.

Amanda P. 901 pd.6

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone is at fault for the incidents that occured on september eleventh.The money that is raised is partially spent on health insurance and visits to the doctor for the victims.However I think the other half is kept by the government for their own personal well-being.Howcome the president can't raise money from taxes it's mostly his fault the twin towers were attacked.
Billy Poulos
WJPS class 902

Anonymous said...

1.I believe money has played a big role.They were doing the right thing to clean up and help out and in the end they got sick.The government should give them money to help with doctor bills.
2.I believe the government is at fault for the illness because they should have known these people could get sick.They should have been protected.
3.The people need money to get cured.The government needs to give them that money.
4.Healthcare is a federal responsibility.
-Chrissy Thomatos 901

jaclyn said...

After read the article about the September 11th illness i am a tad bit confuesed. I really dont think the illness is anybodys fault. No one is responsible for the cause of the illness. The heros on September knew what they were getting themselves into and they had to know the consequences. At the time the heros just wanted to help, which is good; but they really should of thought about how this will affect them in the future. Heros that helped in September 11th soon might take advantage of what the city is offering and start scamming the city just for free health, and try sueing the city. In my opinion i feel the heros from September 11th should pay for their own insurance and health.

mariaA3 said...

Money has played a key role in the 9/11 cleanup because a large number of workers have no health insurance and the governmnet will have to pay for thier care. The government should have told the workers that the fumes were toxic. More money needs to be given by the federal government for health treatment of ground zero workers. Both the city and the federal government should be responsible for the workers health care.

mariaA3 said...
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Anonymous said...

The money was to pay for all the sickness of 9/11. fifty two million is not enough to pay for all the illness. It is mount Sinai fault that fire fighters have illnesses. They need more money because, for all the illnesses 52 million wont cover it up. Health care is a federal responsibility.

jasonk izkool said...

This whole situation is a very big mess. It is good that Senator Clinton is pushing for 52 million dollars in mediacl funding for health treatment workers, but it is a question whether or not that this will be enough funding to cover thousands of ill workers. No one really is at fault for the illness but the terrorists themselves that caused this, but the city of New York is also somewhat responsibel for not taking enough measures to ensure that these workers will get the proper help that they need. The changes in finace is that the funding cant just come from one source such as the federal government. Funding needs to come from state and the city government as well. The Red Cross and other huminitarian aid groups should also pitch in. I believe that the responsibilty should be on everyone. One source can not hope to support all these people. A combined effort will get the job done right. Jason K 902

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr Tesler,
This is Anastasia Papis from class 903. In the care of the 9/11 cleanup victims, I think that money has played the role, of trying to help people with no health insurance. It is helping a lot of the victims, but many have no health insurance at all, and I think that they need a lot more money. Hilary Clinton gave 52 million, but I think that it is too little. The federal government has not been helping at all. They didn't even contribute to help. The government, and especially the doctors helping these victims will have to recieve many funds or loans to help the people. I think that is is the federal governments fault that this is happening, because they haven't even tried to help, or think about these peoples health concerns. They need more money to fix the problem, and I find it surprising that they arent trying to find some possible way of fixing it. I don't understand, why the federal government didn't think of giving the workers better equipment to cover their faces with. I think that if they had better euipment from the start, then they might not have had really terrible respiratory problems. What if these workers don't even have enough money to pay for their health insurance. Maybe they can't and that is why they dont have insurance. There could also be other possible reasons though. Lastly I believe that health care is a federal responsibility and an individual responsibility. I think, that if you have the money to pay for your health insurance, it is an individual responsibility, but there are many people who have no money at all, and I think that is where the government should come in, and try to help.

Anonymous said...

1. Money for 9-11 is tight because there are a lot of people who where sick and there was not a lot of money to help treat everyone’s illness.

2. No one is at fault for the illness it was because the firefights should have been more careful when in the building.

3. I think that the changes in finance need to be made because people need to have health care to treat the illness that they have.

4.Health care is a federal responsibility because everyone should have a right to have health care.

by:Monica T.

natalie said...

money plays a big role in taking care of people after 9/11 because first they had to clean up everything from the spot then many people got sick and they had to pay to go see a doctor or the city had to pay for them. It really is no bodies fault for the illness but the terrorists that did this to the United states. I really don’t think any thing can be changed financially to make people feel better or get them to stop getting sick. Yes you can make sure every one had medical assistance for free and are taken care of no matter what. I truly think that health care is federal if you have a low income but if you go over the normal income i totally agree that its individual responsibility.

Anonymous said...

The pay role for the victims was 52 million dollars for the ground zero workers wich provided Bush's administration. For the fault of the illnes people could get asthma and sinusitis. The changes in th finance should be to help and pay for the peoples sickness that they have.

Anonymous said...
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Maria Q. said...

1. Some of the clean up workers at ground zero got sick b/c of the conditions they or the government have to pay the medical bill in order to their health well.

2.The EPA knew about the harmful air that the clean up workers would have to work in, if they said something they could have avioded many peole getting sick so the government should pay for the medical bills of the 9/11 cleanup workers.

3.??? I think that the governmnet should pay all the medicals bills of all the cleanup workers who got sick.???

4. I fthe government caused the health problemsin the 9/11 clean up workers then the government should pay their medical bills in order for them to get better.

7th period class in class 902

Anonymous said...

After reading the story I felt that the moeny never helped that much because that the moeny that they have is running out.

The poeple that who are blamed is the major and that how the said that it was ok and that they would not get sick but they are getting sick.

They are running out of mooeny and that the poeple who need the moeny can't get it and they need it to live on because they had to leave there job because they could not work because they were sick.

Heath is a individual beacuse and it is also federal because they need help most of them can't aford it beacuse they are not working so they have little moeny.

They need to get more moeny to support the poeple who need it to pay for food and other things so they need to help or give them more moeny.
Erin O'D 903

Anonymous said...

Well money has a huge role in the care of 9/11 cleanup victums, firstly money is needed for the reconstruction of 9/11 afterwards. Second, as well all the dieases that everyone is catching which costing Federal Government alot of money. Probably not enough
money to cover everyone who is
getting sick and plus for the people who dont have health insurance. As Hilary Clinton is doing her best to keep the cost to 52$ million. Personally I believe that Health Care is a ALL responsibity, its for the individual itself, the city and federal as well. We all need health care, so that puts us all in the same position. For those who are stuck in this position, i feel that this wont be easy to solve. The fact that there is a increase of dieases in everyone, its slowing down our process to cleanup 9/11. This is what I feel about the 9/11 illness.

Livianette C.

Anonymous said...

In the care of 9/11 cleanup victims money has played a huge role because much is needed. Many of the 9/11 cleanup victims need proper health care for their breathing problems. I think the people who helped clean up are at fault for their illnesses because it was their responsiblity to have proper equipment on. Health care is an individual responsibility. The city doesnt need to be down your throat to get health care, its your responsibilty to get it, but on the other hand it was sort of the cities fault for not telling the people that cleaned up to be careful.

-Kristofer D 902

Anonymous said...

Money has played a role in the care of 9/11 cleanup victims by the cost of the health insurance for the people that need treatment due to cleaning up the mess. I think it’s the governments fault for this illness because they should be able to cover insurance for the people that saved other peoples lives. It’s not fair for them because they risk their own lives just so someone else has a second chance to live. Yet there’s no cover for them?? The government should use money to help this problem by taking money from other issues that don’t matter as much. Also they could have various fund raisers to help this situation as well. However other people can donate as well. Ok, it really depends on the situation to know if health care is a federal, city or individual responsibility.

-Rabaya Rahman
Class 902

Anonymous said...

Money has played an important role in the care of 9/11 cleanup victims because they need money in order to receive any necessary treatments and many of them don't have that money. I think that both the goverment and the cleanup victims. I think the cleanup victims because they knew what they were putting themselves into. On the other hand I also think the goverment is at fault for the illness because they told the cleanup victims the air was safe to breathe and they believed them. They shouldn't have lied about that just to get people to volunteer. The goverment shouldn't be spending money on unnecessary things such as the war in Iraq. They should increase the funds to healthcare. I think healthcare is a federal responsibility. They should provide the 9/11 cleanup victims with healthcare. They should remember that many of them can't work and they never told them the Ground Zero air was unsafe. I think they should at least help them with healthcare. The rest of us that weren't part of the cleanup workers at Ground Zero also deserve healthcare because that's why we pay taxes, but who need it the most right now are those who worked at Ground Zero.

Anonymous said...

From this article money has played a very important role in helping the ground zero workers who do not have health insurance. About $52 million from the Bush administration.But it was also said that money was late so it was inadequate.The people who should be at fault for the workers getting sick are the corporation people who send them in there knowing that some of them don't have health insurance. Especially if they don't have the right equipment. They need to send money for better supplies most likely gas mask. That would make a less chance of people going to the hospital. Also send money to help people in the hospital now. Health care in the 9/11 matters is federal but then it is individual. The reason why is that if its individual it would be you need health care like if you nget a cut or something. The federal thing would be to have all the people in the ground zero sight get sick which not everyone does not have health care.

Joshua Class:902

Anonymous said...

karen c. :]
i think that the qovernment is not responsible for the sickness these people are expierencinq riqht now. they knew what they were qettinq into and its not the qovernments fault that the this is happeninq. it isnt the peoples fault either. but it think the qovernment should pay for at least have the expences.

Anonymous said...

How has money played a role in the care of 9/11 cleanup victims?
Money had lend a big hand to for the 9/11 cleanup victims. Whether if it was to the people that had no insurance or to the people that needed major treatment for fatal diseases.

Who is at fault for the illness?
Most likely everybody is at fault because for one the people knew that they eventually would get sick and not to mention they weren’t properly wearing the protection they needed. Not only was it the volunteers but it was the government too because they should have made sure that anyone that was going to go help clean up the area should have health insurance.

What changes in finance need to be made to correct the problem?
To correct the problem would be having to round up more money that should be deposited into the efforts to heal the cleanup victims, to go into the people with no health insurance, and to get a reward back for all that they have done because although $52000 is a lot of money but there are many more people that need the type of help for financial purposes.

Is health care a federal, city or individual responsibility?
Health care is most defiantly a federal responsibility because they provide us with the equipment and people to help the victims that are diagnosed with the many types of deadly diseases.

Shazia Rahaman class: 903

Anonymous said...

How has money played a role in the care of 9/11 cleanup victims?
Who is at fault for the illness?
What changes in finance need to be made to correct the problem?
Is health care a federal, city or individual responsibility?
Money has played a huge role in the care of 9/11 cleanup victims. The federal government has to pay for their health insurance because they are getting various diseases from the cleanup of 9/11. In my opinion the government are at fault for the illnesses becausse the government has told the cleanup crew to cleanup 9/11 and did not give them health in surance so the cleanup crew got diseases. The Bush administrtation has to pay more money for all of the cleanup crew. i think 52 million is not enough for everybody that helped with the cleanup. Health care is deffinetely a federal problem because it is too much for the city or state to handle.

- Nick C 9-01

Anonymous said...

Money has played a huge role in the care of 9/11 cleanup victims. The federal government has to pay for their health insurance because they are getting various diseases from the cleanup of 9/11. In my opinion the government are at fault for the illnesses becausse the government has told the cleanup crew to cleanup 9/11 and did not give them health in surance so the cleanup crew got diseases. The Bush administrtation has to pay more money for all of the cleanup crew. i think 52 million is not enough for everybody that helped with the cleanup. Health care is deffinetely a federal problem because it is too much for the city or state to handle.

- Nick C 9-01

Anonymous said...

Sarah Bianchi-
Money has played a big roll in the care of 9/11 clean up victims. People who lost their jobs due to illnesses they recived from working at Ground Zero are left with very little money. Besides everyday bills, they are also paying extreme medical bill. They are asking the federal government to help pay the costlyness of care.

According to the article, fault lies on the shoulders of the government for not supplying correct clean up equipment or informing of the dangers that the smoke and debris in the air could affect someones health. But in all truthfullness, the real people at fault are the people who crashed the planes into the buildings. If it wasnt for them, none of this would be a problem.

The federal government has to allocate money for instances such as this. They should also be able to pay for the victims medical bills.

I think that health care is the federal governments resposibility. People should be able to receive a quality health plan no matter what their financial situation. It is the goverments responsibility to make sure of this.

gtonydamasco said...

After reading the artcle on the health conditions of the 9/11 clean up workers, I have come to learn that 70 % of the tested workers have been diagnosed with a resporatory codition. nAnother thing I've learned about is that 40% of those tested do not have health insurance. now this is a big problem because no one knows whose supposed to pay the bill on for these doctors vists and treatments. Really I believe the city is responsible and should pay for the insurance. I say this because the people in need are the employees of NY. even if they didn't wear their masks when cleaning. New york this year has a three billion dollar surplus and im sure that with just a small percent of that money we can do something for these people.

omar said...

i would say that money could be able to help becouse it can help find away tofind a cure to what is happening to the people from 911.and i would say it would be the people that dident where there masks.i would say it would be a federal becouse they would have to make sure everyone is safe if something happens to them

Melissa I. said...

A lot of the clean up workers of 9/11 did not have coverage before 9/11, or lost it when they lost there job because they where to sick to work. So they can’t pay for treatment, but the federal government has granted over $52 million late last year. However “Dr. John Howard, who was named the federal 9/11 health coordinator in February, has already said that the $52 million is not enough. I think The President, the Mayer, the government, basically the people in control. They should have made sure they had expensive well working masks, not thin ones. They should have tested ground zero, the dust and debrief and new what they were getting the cleanup people into. They should have planned and not have rushed into the cleanup. I think that money needs to be spent on this cause more than other causes, like the war in Iraq. Personally I think were not doing anything there so we should leave those people alone, just think how much money there would be if we took the money spent on Iraq and put it towards this then we would have a lot. Also we can raise taxes and put the extra money towards the workers. Well I think health care is a city responsibility, because each city has certain rules and guidelines. However in this particular case I think its federal because the workers were not from 1 city.

misz ariana said...
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Anonymous said...

I think that its the governments fault of the illness because the government didnt provide proper equipment for the clean up victims to use.

So now,the government have to use a lot of money to get them cured.

Health care is a federal because if they are American citizens, then the governments obligated to give them health insurance and its thier priority.

Bridgette V
period 6

Anonymous said...

As many 9/11 First Responders are confirming respiratory health problems, this issue on the level of toxins in the air resurfaces with money related concerns. It is widely believed that the government should provide some sort of insurance or funds for the victims of these new respiratory problems. These illnesses appear to be long lasting and, in some cases, permanent. Nobody can be blamed for this, in my opinion, as the air was full of microscopic shards of glass, asbestos, and other lethal contaminants released as the towers collapsed. Some however still believe that these health issues cannot be connected to the events that took place on 9/11. I feel that if more people were sure of this, than they would be more willing to provide the funds necessary. The fact is, the First Responders and their families will be at unease until they can be sure that funds for them are provided. If it were any other event, I think this funding would fall to a city or state level, however due to the large number of people effected in different communities and states and the impact of the event itself, I feel that the funds should be taken care of at a national level.

Bridgette C. Period 3

Anonymous said...

~well if you have no money, you don't get the treatment you need to make you all better.
~it is from my understanding the hospitals fault because they took to long to prove that there was a chemical in the air. but it also had something to do with the federal government.
~to fix this there is a limit to the things we can do but in respect to the people that have to deal with this there children and family should get good benefits

Anonymous said...

money has played a big role in the 9/11 clean up.It was a lot that needed to be cleaned up and others got very sick. i think that it is the governments fault for all the illnesses.They should've provided the mask or something to keep the people from getting sick. I think that the governmenr should give more money to the workers.I think health care is and individual responsibility.
Eirene S. 903

co0ki3 aka teila said...

im just posting my quote for today. "your future depends on ther past"
teila t. aka co0ki3