Wednesday, November 14, 2007

HW 11/14/07 - Federalism

Based on today's class about Federalism...

Do you think the balance of powers is fair to the states and to the Federal gov’t? Explain in a composition of no more than 100 words.

Here's a link to help you, if you're not sure what Federalism is all about.


jasonk izkool said...

I believe that the balance of of powers is fair to the states and the federal government is perfectly fair because no one is wielding more power and authority over the other one. The state governments are like the screws on a tire that help form America into what it is today. The federal government is just as important because the federal government keeps things overall in place and acts as the hub cap for American democracy. It is important to have a strong central government because there always needs to be a head that oversees everything and organizes a lot as well. Jason K 902

Anonymous said...

I think that the balance of power is fair to the state and the federal government. I believe this because they each have their own roles to play, as well as their own duties. If the state government had the same power as the federal government, I think that some, and probably most of the states will be to over controlling. They would take the powers to seriously I can even start a war for something strange and small such as a 'deli not opening' somewhere in the city, as an example. But I think in my opinion that we have to have a government that makes states laws, and a government that makes the laws for the whole US. Without the Federalism government, states would be too much to handle, or just plain out taking over.

Anonymous said...

I do think the balance of powers is fair because it makes it equal for everyone.The federal and state governments have an equal amount of power and I believe that the equality of that power is fair to them.They have their own powers and one isnt overuling the other.That is why I think the balance of powers is fair to the federal and state governments.
-Chrissy Thomatos Period 6

Anonymous said...

I think it is fair because if we didn't have balanced power we would be a chaotic nation. I think this because when were unbalanced we give to much power to one part of goverment and i dont think that is a good idea because we dont want 1 part to be to powerful and rule us.If it was unbalanced larger states might take advantage and think they could do whatever they wanted to do to smaller states and every state no matter how big or small is equal. Francisco Cespon
History Per.6

Anonymous said...

I think the balance of powers is fair to the states and the federal government because each knows exactly what powers they have. The states understand that the federal government needs more power because it governs the whole nation. Their decisions affect the whole country. Meanwhile, the states need less power because they are only governing within their state. Their decisions affect only the people from that particular state. States govern a fraction of the whole country so they don't need as much power. Therefore, I believe the balance of powers is fair.
By:Mariela Ortiz(per.7)

Katheryn said...

I think it is fair because the power is split for both the states and federal government. the states has somthing the federal government cant do, and the federal government can do stuff the states cant do. like the federal government can pass a law but the states cant.

Anonymous said...

I think Federalism is very fair. I think it's fair because of the way it is divided up into Delegated Powers, Concurrent Powers, and Reserved powers. It is fare that the states can make their own laws, and the federal gov't has more important laws to deal with like declaring war. Federalism is also fair because there is equal power throughout the three powers.

Christina Wylie
Period 4

richarpwjps said...

I think that it is fair to the federal gov't and not fair to the state gov't because the federal gov't has more powers than the state gov't like making coin money and regulating trade etc while state gov't can make schools and run elections and etc. Federal gov't sounds more important than the state gov't.

Anonymous said...

I think that the balance of power is fair to the states and federal government because they share the power.The federal governments power is called delegation of power which means that only the federal government can make any laws and the state governments power is called reseved power in which the state can only make the laws. A reason why they spit the power was because the governtments wouldnt want a disaster occuring with eachother like one government taking over another too much and if one government messes up the other can help it.

Anonymous said...

I think that the balance between the federal government and the state government is equal and fair. It shows that both have power to make this nation, and it is divided so most of the power shouldnt go to someone. The balance shows that both the people and the government can work together to make this nation. I think that it is fair because if federal has more power than the people then there would abuse of power.

-Livi Cabrera
period 6

mariaA3 said...

Yes I think that balance of powers is fair to the states and to the Federal government because everyone will have an even amount of power and so we can all agree on things. Instead of just the Federal gov't or just the states trying to control everything and take more power everything is resonable.
Maria A USHistory 09

Anonymous said...

I think that its fair for the federalist and the state goverment to have balanced powers so one of them wont have to be so powerfull and think their the boss of everything. The other reason is that if one of them have to much power it might be to much work for them and they might just fall down. Thes are the reasons why I think the federal and state goverment are better to have balanced powers.

Anonymous said...

Yes I believe the balance of powers is being fair to the states and to the federal government. These two governments are totally different from each other. The state government is only specified to one particular area only concerning certain people. The federal government is a big government that concerns everybody living in the U.S. So therefore state power has to have less power than the federal.

-Rabaya Rahman

Anonymous said...

The Federal and State government both cover different laws and regulations. Giving equal power would prevent one government to excel more than the other. Although the Federal government is superior to the State government, when passing laws both sides must give their consent. This way, laws that are okay with one government and not with the other will not be passed. If this werent the case citizens would most likely be unhappy with some of the choices that were bieng made. They both have concurrent powers which also benefits them in several ways. I think the balance of powers between the two is fair.


Anonymous said...

sarah bianchi

I do think that the balance of powers is fair to both the states and the federal government. It allowes the states to have their own individual powers but not too much. It also lets the gov't have power as well, though they dont get to rule everthing. Both the sate and federal gov't have their own jobs that they are responsible for taking care of.

Anonymous said...

I think that the balance of the power is fair to the states and the federal government,becasue say if the work went to the government and the states had nothing to do that not fair for the government because they have everything on there back mean while the states are doing nothing. That is also why they give people in the fedral government curtain jod and in the states so everyone is evenily given a job to do and no one has more work.That is what i think i think it is fair.
Desirae LaFurno

Anonymous said...

Maria Quintero/7th period class/902

Yes i do think that the balance of pwoes between the states power and the federal government are fair. The state has the pwoer to pass certain laws to its sate acorrding to the issues that the state has. Sometimes the satts problems areo small for te governmetn to handle because they have bigger problems to handle. The problems that the federal government have to be solved for the whole country and if the state had this power the problem would be solved in conviniance towards the certain state. The federal government has to solve that issue fairly to All the state. :-)

natalie said...

today on my way home from school i saw a mailmen , a mailmen is an example of the federal government which is also referred to as the delegates.i also saw a school yard that is an example of the state government. the state is in charge of what the school does and the delegates have no say in any Dissuasions that are made for the school.


Anonymous said...

I say that the balance of power is fair and not fair. The state may have an issue that has to be delt with and the federal government has law on something close to the issue. But then the state may want to make a law but then it is said it may contridict it. Because it is on a federal level. So they will not be able to really take care of that problem. But then it is okay because they are both separated powers that have a different level of power. So each can do its own thing without help from the other.

Joshua Howard Class:901
Period: 6

Anonymous said...

I think that balance of powers is fair to the state and federal government for many reasons. I think of this because without it, the nation wouldn’t be about having rights or democracy. Instead all the power will shift to one side of the government. Therefore, that part of the government will take advantage and do what it wants will the US. However, since the state and the federal government are equal this nation is about having rights and democracy.

Shazia R.
Period 7