Thursday, April 03, 2008

Tonight's HW 4/3/08


1. Read ALL of Chapter 22 in your Textbook
2. Complete "Terms and Names" p. 690
3. Complete "Main Ideas" 1, 2, 4, 5, 7

Remember...IF EVERYONE DOES THEIR HW, we don't have any weekend HW...

Bonus: Get Everyone on the trip today to get their HW done, and we don't have HW on Monday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WJPS Chrysanthe Thomatos
History Homework

Read Chapter 22
Terms and Names 690
Main Ideas 1, 2, 4, 5, 7

Terms and Names:
●Credit is an arrangement in which a buyer pays later for a purchase, most of the time an installment plan with interest charges
●Speculation is an involvement in risky business transactions in an effort to make a quick or large profit
●Buying on margin is the purchasing of stocks by paying only a small percentage of the price and borrowing the rest
●Black Tuesday a name given on October 29, 1929 when the stock prices fell sharply
●Dow Jones Industrial Average was a measure based on the prices of the stocks of 30 large companies, widely used as a barometer of the stock markets health
●The Great Depression was a period lasting from 1929 to 1940 in which the US economy was in severe decline and millions of Americans were unemployed
●Dust Bowl was the region including Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico, that was made worthless for farming by drought and dust storms during the 1930’s
●Direct Relief was giving money or food by the government directly to needy people
●President Herbert Hoover tried to reassure American’s that the nation’s economy was on a sound footing.
●The Bonus Army was a group of World War One veterans and their families who marched on Washington D.C. in 1932 to demand the immediate payment of bonus they had been promised for military service

Main Ideas:
1) I think that what happened to the farmers foreshadowed the Great Depression. I think this because without crops they won’t make a living and they will be poor, and if they cant sell their crops and stores cant buy them they will go poor also. So it was like one big chain.
2) Some of the effects were people were poor. They had no money to buy food or clothes. Also many people died of starvation.

4) The American people felt that the stock market crash was the minority’s fault. So they discriminated against them even more.

5) The American families had a lot of pressure during the Great Depression. They had pressure to find a job and food for their children and themselves. They had pressure to pay off landlords so they can have a roof over their head.

7) He tried telling people that everything was going to be back to normal soon. He told them everything was going to be alright
-Chrissy Thomatos