Thursday, October 02, 2008



2. Answer the following Questions

  • What questions were being asked of the candidates?
  • What is something you learned from this debate about each candidate?
  • Describe your opinion of the candidates before the debate(s). If you didn't have an opinion of the candidates, please explain why.
  • Will the debates, or did the debates change your opinion of the candidates? Why? Why not?


Anonymous said...

The questions being asked is how the candiantes will improve Amercia and how they could lower gases prices. Something i learned from both of the candiantes are that they have two different opions that they want the people to agree with. My opions of the candiate's is that they have good opions but they just focouse on the banks and how alot of them are closing . The debate didn't change my opion because i dont think any of them are good for president because they might mess up our country even more and not improve what Geroge W Bush did to America Gas prices . Thats what i thought of the debate.
Alexandria barry period2 903

Anonymous said...

first of all let me start off with saying that i watched the presidential debate, between the two senators McCain and Obama. both candidates were questioned with difficult questions. some of the questions were how they would fix up the economy, what they think the likelihood of having another 9/11 would be,and what they think about Russia if they see them as an enemy or as a competitor.i learned many things that i didn't know about the candidates, for example i had no clue that McCain wants us to pay for our health care and keep on with the war in Iraq i didn't know that senator McCain has partnered up with George bush and has had the same opinions that George bush did so we don't want another eight years of the same thing like Obama said we cant afford another eight years and thats what senator McCain is offering us. since the beginning i wanted obama to be elected but i didn't really know why. now that i watched the presidential debate i realized that obama is trying to help this country put he says that he wants to do a lot but its absolutely obvious that not everything that he wants to be done is going to be done but the necessary things he has to do. obama wants every kid in America to go to college and he wants to compete with other nations and stop using foreign oil doing this by making ways to create solar oil. i like obama because he wants change in a humble way i don't want McCain to raise the taxes up and have 4 years of this crisis.

Anonymous said...

The question that were being asked in this debate is

Where do your stand in the financial recovery plan?

Economic Troubles

War in Iraq

I learned from this debate is that the only thing these candidates have shown me is that the only thing they talked about was money,debt,taxes, and money. That was the only thing the could talk about. Yes it is important to help the working man and his family but what about us kids. I believe that the only thing these candidates talked about what they had planned for the next year or so. What I wanted was to hear what they had planed for kids my age. What his plans where for our education and progress in the world. We are far behind in math and science and all good jobs will end up not going to kids in this country. I believe that the candidates should also pay such attention to kids.

I dont think that this debate has changed my opinion on the candidates but it had changed my views on how i look and listen to the candidates. One of the candidates (i prefer not to mention who) I didnt really think they had any plan for this country at all. Now that i heard this debate I really think that I can listen and understand both of the candidates.

Anonymous said...

1.Tim Lehrer:
1.Where do you stand on the financial recovery plan?
2.How do you all stand on the recovery plan?
3.Do you favor this plan, Senator Obama, and you, Senator McCain?
4.Are you in favor of this plan?
5.Are you going to vote for the
plan, Senator McCain?
6.Do you have something directly to say, to Senator McCain about what he just said?
7.So, Senator McCain, do you agree with what Senator Obama just said?
8. Are there fundamental differences between your approach and Senator Obama's approach to what you would do as president to lead this country ou of the financial crisis?
9.Senator Obama , you have a question for Senator McCain on that?
10.As president, as a result of whatever financial rescue plan comes about the billion, $700, whatever it is it's going to cost, what are you going to give up, in terms of the priorities that you would bring as president of the U.S., as a result of having to pay for the financial rescue plan?(obama)
11.Not willing to give that up?
12.Would you go for that?
13.What do you say to the lesson of Iraq?
14.Do you agree with that, the lesson of Iraq?(McCain)
15.What about that point?
16.Do you think more troops should be sent to Afghanistan, how many, and when?
17.What is your reading on the threat to Iran right now to the security of the U.S.?(McCain)
18.How do you see the relationship with Russia?
19.Do you see them as a competitor?
20.Do you see them as an enemy?
21.Do you see them a a potential partner?
22.Do you have a major difference on what he just said?(Obama)
23.What would you think the likelihood is that there would be another 9/11-type attack on the continental U.S.?
24.You see the same connections that Senator McCain does?

2.I learned that america is still trying hard to win the Iraqi-war.
And that america has alot of crisisis with money.

3.I had an opinion on Obama because I think he would be a good president because he is goin to end the war and make friends with all the countries that hate us.

4.No, they didn't. Obama still wants the best for our country, that's all.

Mr Tesler said...

PLEASE write your name at the bottom of the post. I cannot give you credit if I don't know who you are!

Anonymous said...

1. The questions that were being asked was difficult questions about how they can fix the economic crisis, about the war in Iraq, and how they can make the country a better place.
2. I learned that both candidates have very different opinions and views on these topics.
3. I liked what Obama said because to me he sounds like he wants to help this country because McCain has the same ideas as George W. Bush.
4. I basically had the same opinion I did before I watched the presidential debate because before I saw it, I knew that McCain wanted to continue what Bush did to this country, such as, continue the war in Iraq istead of trying to end it.

Brianna R. Period 4

Anonymous said...

One question being asked to the candidates is, "was this the worst of Washington or the best of Washington that we saw play out?".A few things i learned that Sarah Palin reall wants to do work to better Israel. learned that Joe Biden is agaisnt abortion even though he is a democrat.i found that very interesting. before i watched the debate,i was really agaisnt Sarah Palin's fuse on forgein policy but now i like it more then Joe Biden's. After watching the debate, my opinion of the candidates have changed slightly,but i am still in favor of the Obama/Biden party.

Leni Matava pd 4

Anonymous said...

Some of the questions that were asked to the candidates were what would there bailout plans be, what they would do as a president to lead America out of the finacial crisis, what there view on the war in iraq was and ect.
Something i learned from watching the debate is that the opinions of the candidates were total opposites; they each had their own point of view on each topic. I felt that they were "going at eachother" a lot of the time.
My opinion on the candidates did not change because i watched this debate. I feel that senator McCain will lead us into many bad discions as President Bush has, I feel that many of the opinions are the same. I also feel that, having a democrate in the office will be a good change. I also agree with many of the views that Barack Obama has.
The debate has not changed my point of view on the cadidates. I went into watching this debate knowing some backround information by reading the newspaper and my opinion has not chnaged. I new some of the topis that were going to be asked and i felt that each candidate answered the question the way i thought they were

Anonymous said...

The questions that were asked to the canidates "Were where do you stand in the financial recovery plan".Another question is how they would make the economy better.I learned a lot about the candidates in this presidential debate.I never knew that Senater McCain wanted to stay in Iraq and keep fighting like President Bush does.I feel the if McCain becomes president it will just be like having Bush again.I always liked Barack Obama because i feel our economy needs a change and Obama has a lot of new ideas for the White House.The debate did not change my opinions because I still feel like McCain has the same ideas the Bush has amd I think that we don't need to spend money on war we need to spend it on our country.
Phillip Lluberes Period 2

Anonymous said...

The questions that are being asked of the candidates are how are they going to better America, gas prices, war,ect.
I learned that the dibate isn't only about the future of America it's also about who's hip and what race they are and these day people are becoming very selfish, they don't really care about the America and their fellow Americans all they care about is how the candidate will benifit themself and their situations.
The debate has definatly changed my mind about the candidates as well as whole election because in my opinion all the candidates want is to win the election and when they win they change their whole vision and mindset. My mind changed because at first i thought that the whole election was to better America and it's people but it's about alot more!


Anonymous said...

The questions that were being asked during the presidential debates were questions about how the candidates would fix our finantial crisis, how they felt about Iran, Afganistan, Iraq, and Russia, and about future attacks. I learned that Obama wanted troops in Afganistan instead of Iraq in order to capture Bin Laden, and El Queada, he opposed of the war. But, John Mcaine wanted to keep the soldiers in Iraq because he wanted the troops to come back to the US victorious. Before the debates, I thought that Obama wasn't that knowledgable of what was going around in the US, and didn't want him to win the primaries. I also thought that Mcaine was a very good senator, and that he would make an amazing president. I now think that Obama will make a great president. I believe this because Obama had mentioned many briliant plans about fixing our finantial cricis, like when he said that he would like to give tax cuts to 95 percent of the US families. Also, I think that Mcane wouldn't make such a good president. I think this because I don't like people that want to keep fighting in a war until their country is victorious. This is so because they want victory so much, that they don't see how many people are dying and getting injured. That is what I thought of the debates.

Andrew Villa 931 period2

Zeelex_101 said...

Michael Vitale 931 P.4

The questions being asked of the candidates were about the bailout, the war in Iraq, and the econemy.

Before the debate, I did know a bit about the candidates, but now that i saw the debates, i dislike Mccain, for i feel he is a fascist war-monger. Oboma, on the other hand, does not have enough experience for president.

And, no, the debates did not change my opinion on the candidates, i disliked them before, and i still do.

Anonymous said...

The questions being asked were about taxes, health care, and how they would make america better. Something i learned from this debate was that both canidates are different and have different opinions and ideas. My opinion of the canidates are that they have good ideas and good plans. The debate didn't change my opinion of the candidates because i never favored anyone and don't care who gets elected.

Maria period 2

Anonymous said...

Many of the questions asked in the debate were about economic troubles, the war in Iraq, who each candidate thought was an enemy to our country and who wasn't, and of course, the prices of gas.

I definitely learned a lot from both of the candidates that I had know idea about. From the beginning, I have always wanted Obama to be president because I knew he was going to do something different. As when, McCain is another replica of George Bush. And I honestly feel that is not what we need in the United States.

The debates did not change my mind at all. I felt that Obama is definitely what we need to improve in this country. I feel he's capable of making the right decisions that we need.

Megan E.
Period 2.

Anonymous said...

The candidates were being asked about economic issues in America, taxes, promises made that won't be kept, energy, climate change. I learned each candidate had a different perspectives on each situation and they each have a different plan on how to tackle it. I didn't have an opinion on the candidates before hand because i didn't pay attention. I can't vote so why should i pay attention. I cannot change the outcome even though the winner will affect me. The debates wouldn't change my opinion because i would hve reasons of support for the candidate of my choice. I may agree with the other candidate but it wouldn't make me change my mind about who i liked
crystal s.
period 4

Anonymous said...

Some of the questions that the candidates were asked was, their views on the war in Iraq, the financial recovery plan, the enviornment, and what was their plan for when they were in office. I learned many new things about the Vice President canidates, Joe Bidden and Sarah Palin. I learned that Sarah Palin stands more as an "outsider". She speaks on the behalf of the actual American people and Joe Bidden is more politcal and comes from a more knowlegable side. Before I watched the Vice President Debate, I knew that Sarah Palin supported keeping the soliders in Iraq, but I never really paid that much attention or had a strong opinion on it, but I didn't support that view. I felt that we should take the troops out of Iraq because their is no victory for that war. The debate definently changed and influnced my opinion on the Vice President candidates. I don't really pay that much attention to politics, but know I have a better point of view on the topic. The questions the candidates had to answer showed me where they stand and I realized that I agree and support the views of Bidden and Obama. I don't really agree with how Palin and McCain plan on handling things if they were in office, so my opinion really has expanded from watching these debates and showed who I might vote for if I could vote.

Gabrielle Rosado
Class Period 4

Anonymous said...

The questions that are being asked by the candidates are how can they imporve american, and lower prices like gas.They both have different ideas and they said everything that they wanted to do, so they both come with different choices. They both had there own ideas when they answered the question. i dont have a opinion because im not interested in politics so i cant make an opinion, but i think people should vote for who they think will make a good president and not just were they come from or how old they are. Also i think it is really importnt to chose depending on what they each say they will do. cause the last thing we need now is a mistake because were going threw so much that we cannot deal with more problem. That is my opinion the the question.
-Isabela j

Anonymous said...

Some of the questions that were being asked were things about our economic troubles, the war in Iraq, taxes, health care, and how they would improve America. I learned many things about each of the candidates, as well. They each have their own opinion(s) on the same topics and that, honestly, did not change my opinion. I did not really have an opinion to begin with seeing as I don't keep up with the candidates/debates often, but watching and/or reading this didn't alter my decisions the least bit.

Brianna H.
Period 4.

Anonymous said...

Mr tesler im so sorry but i posted this blog on friday and i forgot to write my name on the bottom.
---angela rivera 903 period 2

first of all let me start off with saying that i watched the presidential debate, between the two senators McCain and Obama. both candidates were questioned with difficult questions. some of the questions were how they would fix up the economy, what they think the likelihood of having another 9/11 would be,and what they think about Russia if they see them as an enemy or as a competitor.i learned many things that i didn't know about the candidates, for example i had no clue that McCain wants us to pay for our health care and keep on with the war in Iraq i didn't know that senator McCain has partnered up with George bush and has had the same opinions that George bush did so we don't want another eight years of the same thing like Obama said we cant afford another eight years and thats what senator McCain is offering us. since the beginning i wanted obama to be elected but i didn't really know why. now that i watched the presidential debate i realized that obama is trying to help this country put he says that he wants to do a lot but its absolutely obvious that not everything that he wants to be done is going to be done but the necessary things he has to do. obama wants every kid in America to go to college and he wants to compete with other nations and stop using foreign oil doing this by making ways to create solar oil. i like obama because he wants change in a humble way i don't want McCain to raise the taxes up and have 4 years of this crisis.

meagan betances said...

meagan betances 902

what questions were being asked of the candidates?
how will they bring change

what is something you learned from this debate about each candidate?
they don't only try diffending themselves. they also try bringing the other runner down.

describe your opinion of the candidates before the debate(s). if you didn't have an opinion of the candidates, please explain why.
i did not have a opinion on the runners because i don't really pay attention to polotics and government stuff.

will the debates, or did the debates change your opinion of the candidates? why? why not?
the debates will always change. maybe in the next four years they won't be complaining about gas and natural disasters. but i think the tone and vibe will always range but still be the same

meagan betances said...

can you post up my work ... so i know that you saw it??
meagan 902