Monday, December 11, 2006

Extra Credit Blog Post
Hello, Everyone:

Interested in picking up a few extra points for the 2nd Trimester? Answer the question below in a minimum of 77 words, but no more than 119, and you can earn up to 20 free points toward your 2nd Trimester mark (total points, not points on your report card).
Background: The 18th Amendment to the Constitution banned the sale and use of Alcoholic Beverages in the US.
The Question
Do you think the government should have passed an amendment dealing with the consumption of Alcohol?


Anonymous said...

The consumption of alcohol by the people is not the governments responsibility. The responsibility is in the hands of the consumer. The government has more important things to worry about than how much alcohol the people are consuming. Instead of worrying about the consumption of alcohol, there are things that should be higher up on the list of things to do. Take care of the real problems, and then worry about the amount of alcohol that is consumed by the people in America.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.T well i think that they should have made an admendment about the consumption of achohol usage after the 18th admendment canceled achohol. I think this because there are alot of people that are acholics and after that admendment was passed on they could have been effected. I dont think the 18th admendment was completely right in why it was passed because no one is actually gonna stop drinking alchohol especially if they are achoholics ...but that is just opinion
-maria m.

RaymondA said...

There are two sides of the problem concerning alchohol. Unlike crack and cocaine alchohol isnt comdened and seen as a sign of tradition. Banning of it would create a giant black market five times bigger that off other drugs. Yes alchohol is a drug and does have dangerous side effects such as loss of the senses and your ability to make decisions. Bootleggers and moonshun(I think) are perfect examples of the black market of alchohol. So yes it had the right but no it was a terrible move.

karlamichelle1 said...

No I don’t think that the government should have passed an amendment like that. I think this because then everyone will be protesting about this. Everyone drinks in the United States. If they were to make an amendment like that it wouldn’t be a good scene afterwards. People would have found a way to bring liquor into the United States illegally. When you go to a party you drink, when you go to a club u drink. Everywhere you go to have a good time, most of the time your going to drink. If they took that away from the people there wouldn’t be much left since they cant even smoke only cigarettes.

jonathank said...

I think that the government shouldn't pass the amendment dealing with the consumption of Alcohol because there could be many car accidents in the streets and roads. Many people get hurt and many people die from the car accident. Alcohol is a very dangerous drink that makes people drunk and get into car accidents after they drink. It is very dangerous when you are drunk and you drive a car to get to your home. This is why amendment shouldn't be passed with the consumption of Alcohol. xD

Victoria said...

Well I dont think the government should have passed that ammendment because it isn't their problem if the person decides to drink alchohol and ruin their body. It is on the person to decide to do something smart and healthy or stupid and unhealthy. It is okay for someone to drink here and there but being an alchoholic isn't very good at all because it can definately ruin your life. The government could have orbobly made an ammendment restiricting the use of alcohol after a certain time of day but not always that is not fair to the people that want to drink. That ammentment was not one of their very brightest and I dont think the people liked it very much because they have the right to freedom as tthe Constistution says. That ammandment took some of their freedom so basically the government disobeyed one of their own "rules" in a way. That is why I think that ammendment should have not been passed.
ViiCKyy =]

Victoria said...

Well I dont think the government should have passed that ammendment because it isn't their problem if the person decides to drink alchohol and ruin their body. It is on the person to decide to do something smart and healthy or stupid and unhealthy. It is okay for someone to drink here and there but being an alchoholic isn't very good at all because it can definately ruin your life. The government could have orbobly made an ammendment restiricting the use of alcohol after a certain time of day but not always that is not fair to the people that want to drink. That ammentment was not one of their very brightest and I dont think the people liked it very much because they have the right to freedom as tthe Constistution says. That ammandment took some of their freedom so basically the government disobeyed one of their own "rules" in a way. That is why I think that ammendment should have not been passed.
ViiCKyy =]

Anonymous said...

The government cannot ban the consumption of alcohol. They cannot do anything to stop it. During the 1950s the government tried to ban drinking. But it didnt work. The deal with drugs now, happened then with liquor. The big man that time, selling liquor, was
good old Al Capone. Al Capone saw this as business, and started selling alcohol. This resulted in others copying him and starting gang wars, such as now with some gangs and drugs.
My point is, even if the government tries to ban alcohol it wont succeed, more crime will erupt.


Mr Tesler said...

Not a bad job on the posts.

Navin, the prohibition of alcohol took place in the 1920's, but you get the idea.