Sunday, October 19, 2008

Tonight's HW 10/20/08

One of the ways that our Constitution has survived for so long is its ability to be flexible. This flexibility is made possible by the amendment process, which allows the Constitution to be changed as needed.

For this assignment you need to do the following.

1. CLICK HERE. Read the information on the process of Amending the Constitution.

2. Think of an amendment you'd like to see added to the US Constitution. In a post of no more than 100 words (but at least 50), explain:

a) What your proposed amendment is about.
b) Why your amendment should be added to the Constitution.

Here's a link to a list of amendments that have been proposed in recent years.


Anonymous said...

I think that the next amendment should be to outlaw flag burning because that would be disrespecting the country. Even though it's a free country, we should add this amendment to the Constitution because even though freedom of speech is apart of the first amendment we shouldn't disrespect our country.

Brianna R. Peiod 4

Anonymous said...

I think another amendment that should be added to the Constitution is the banning of all non medical related drugs. If this is passed this will help save alot of teenagers lives theses days cause alot of teenagers theses days are under preasure by the peers in making them do drugs. and if that all non medical drugs are banned from the united states the death rate of teens dying from doing drugs will decrease.I feel that this will help the country alot. anthony pd2

Anonymous said...

One amendment I would like to see would be the right to marry whom ever. Especially if it is someone of the same sex.
I think this amendment would be extremely important because it's something that should just be allowed. It is someone's choice to love whoever they want. It's stupid to not allow it.

Megan E.
Period 2.

Anonymous said...

A amendment that I would like to see added to the constitution, is children being able to work at the age of 14. This amendment would allow children to be independent and remind them that money doesn’t grow on trees. I also believe this should be a amendment because if your guardian doesn’t have enough income to support your family, then you can be in danger. If a other family member can work and make there own money that can be a big help to their guardian, because they wouldn’t be depend on there guardian for money they can work.

Alyssa L.
period 2

Anonymous said...

I think a good idea for an amendment would be to provide access to medical care for all citizens. All citizens should be given medical care or at least a little. They should be given what they need, not what they want. For example…A family(lets say lower class) has no nedical care and no one has a job. Then the child gets sick what do you do? The Government should come in and help out. They should give the family or families with nothing something. They should have a chance just like everyone else. There are wellfare places for people with less, why can’t there be health care places for people with less? If a family(lets say middle class) is doing okay, but not great. (like they can just pay their bills and have food on the table) then the government should come in and pay the different for medical care. So if a persricption is $20, the family pays $10 and the government pays $10. then is there is a family(upper class) and they have the money but don’t want to spend it, they should have to pay for their own medical care and not get anything. If they have it they should use it and maybe even help the less foutunate. I think this should be added because it would help a lot of people and make life easier for many.

Anastasia Ioannou
Period 2 :)

Anonymous said...

My proposed amendment is that wearing a seatbelt should be a choice (for person over the age of 18). If you don't wear your seatbelt you aren't putting anyone in danger but yourself. Many seatbelts restrict drivers and cause limitations of movement. THe law of wearing seatbelts is unneccessary. Its not as important as people make it to be. Yes, wearing it can save your life but its your choice to wear it. Although there is a law, people still don't wear seatbelts. It should be added to the Constitution because it is something we come across everyday, driving or sitting in the car. It is a choice to be made, not a command to be followed. You can't tell someone how to live their life, or tell them how to save it.

Crystal S.
Period 4

Anonymous said...

An admendment that I would want to see added to the constitution is the rights to protect all unborn children. In this amendment, I would make it so that mothers would not be able to have an abortion, unless see got raped, or her life is at risk. I believe that this amendment should be added to the constitution because in the US, we protect citizen's lives, but, when mothers are getting abortion, they are killing a creation of God, a citizen of the US, and that goes agianst Natural Rights.

Andrew Villa period 2 931

Anonymous said...

one amendment that i think should be added to the constitution should be that all people have the right to do whatever they want. i thinhk it should be added to the constituion because alot of people do things and get caught doing them, but some of those things are not illegal. theyy get accused for doing things that didnt hurt anyone else around them,and/or didnt hurt the enviorment.

Leni Matava pd 4

Anonymous said...

An amendment i think should be added to the Constitution would be one to allow people to marry whatever person they want. They should be allowed to marry either sex, if they want to. This is the so-called "land of the free" well people should be free to have the choice in who they want to marry.

Daniel P. Period 2

adogirl said...

One amendments that i would like to see be out into action is the amendments on the subject of "to restrict marriage in all states to be between a man and a woman."
I believe that all people on this country have aright to marry who they choose. I would want this act to be put into action because i believe everyone is entitled to choose who they marry.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see many new laws in the constitution. One of those laws would be for people not to judge other people based on the way they look or act. This is because I think it’s wrong when people judge other people or tease them. I always stick up for the people who are being teased. I would understand if it was just playfully, joking around but some jokes are out of line and cruel. This is a law I would like to see on the U.S constitution.

-Shannon D. 931

Mary Bella Torosyan said...

I dont really have an idea for what another kind of ammendment should be added to the U.S Constitution. Probably my idea's of something being added to the U.S Constitution would be similar to the one's already published. The ones we already have, have been there for a long period of time and we already got used to what rights we have and which ones we dont have. The right for freedom of speech and etc... are similar to fair freedom, to which who desere it.

- mary torosyan
period 4

Anonymous said...

The amendment that i would like to see added to the constitution is women to have the right to have abortions because i think that any women willing to kill her baby should depending on the situation. If she was raped or accidental pregnancy then she should do it. If it wasn't those two reasons than she shouldn't have an abortion done. Also if the woman is going to have financial issues, difficulties, etc. then she should do it.

Maria period 2

Anonymous said...

An amendment that I would like to see added to the U.S. Constitution is to make the legal drinking age to 18 years of age. I think my proposed amendment should be added to the constitution because at the age of 18 you can drive and risk your life for your coutnry in the war, but you can't go to a bar and have an alocholic beverage. I don't think this is very fair because when you turn 18 you are pretty much an adult, going to college and making your own living. This would be fair to the young adult population and probably prevent binge drinking when people actually turn the drinking age of 21.

Gabrielle Rosado
Class Period 4

Anonymous said...

one amendment that should definitely be added to the US constitution is:

the right to marry whomever they want even if they're the same sex. after all this is a free country and we all have the same rights then why not have the same rights to get married to the same sex. some people like the same sex and theirs no reason for the government to decide for those people. if they love each other and want to marry then why not? In some states the right to marry the same sex is permitted but thats only in two states.

---Angela Rivera
903 Period 2

Anonymous said...

I propose that an amendment that permanently legalizes abortion becomes apart of the constitution. This amendment is about a something thatis already legal but some politicians are trying to change that.This amendment should be added because it is apart of freedom of choice. Some people may refer to abortion as murder but think about how the mother feels, there must be a good explanation for her wanting this procedure. By not letting women get abortions your forcing them to do something that they relly do not want to do.

By: Moses Allred period 2

Anonymous said...

One of the ammendments i would add to the constution would be how abortion should be allowed depending on the situation if there like eighteen or older and they have a Job. They shouldn't be able to abortion there babys. But if there younger then eighteen they should have the descison to abortion there baby.
Alexandria Barry period 2

Anonymous said...

I believe that an amendmant that should be legalized and put in to the U.S constitution is that immagrants that haven't lived here for more than the change of 4 presidents should have to take a test to vote for president. I think people from all different places shouldn't be able to come to the united states and effect our community just because they feel like voting. Many immagrants in my opinion feel America is just to free, things shouldn't be as easy. Its not fair that 1 family should be lazy and expect a well fare check when another family is going through the same crisis but working hard for it. That leads to another amendmant I have, Immagrants and the supposodly poor people should be tested and also givin a little test to see whether they need it, or jus being a non hard working american. America has to many financial problems to be giving well fare checks to people who don't have money, its basically wasting money. As an american you have to work really hard for your money, nothing is free and life. Things are accomplished through hard work and dedication

Hernan Leguizamo , Period 2

Anonymous said...

I believe that an amendmant that should be legalized and put in to the U.S constitution is that immagrants that haven't lived here for more than the change of 4 presidents should have to take a test to vote for president. I think people from all different places shouldn't be able to come to the united states and effect our community just because they feel like voting. Many immagrants in my opinion feel America is just to free, things shouldn't be as easy. Its not fair that 1 family should be lazy and expect a well fare check when another family is going through the same crisis but working hard for it. That leads to another amendmant I have, Immagrants and the supposodly poor people should be tested and also givin a little test to see whether they need it, or jus being a non hard working american. America has to many financial problems to be giving well fare checks to people who don't have money, its basically wasting money. As an american you have to work really hard for your money, nothing is free and life. Things are accomplished through hard work and dedication

Hernan Leguizamo , Period 2

Anonymous said...

I dont really know what to add to the amendment, but I think they should take out "To prohibit the death penalty" -102nd Congress (1991-1992)

I think that amendment should be taken out because I feel that the government & the people shouldn't have the power to deiced to take a life away even if they committed a horrible crime. I think if they crime is so horrible, and that bad that they should get the death penalty, instead, just throw them in prison for life. And lets say, you already put them to death & found out that they were innocent, you just took away a free persons life, then wouldn't you have to be sentence to the death penalty because you took away an innocent life?

So I guess my amendment that I would like seeing in the Constitution is 'Getting rid of the amendment that allows to prohibit the death penalty'.

-Haidy Villanueva 903
2nd period.

Anonymous said...

I think an amendment i would like to see added to the constitution is the eigth amendemtn which is Cruel and Unusual punishment. I want to see that in the constitution because i do beleive that in many cases, there are cruel and unusual punishment given. So i think we should be able to protects some of the punishments, istead of leaving it to the jury, because to me the jury is just a group of people who state there opinion. There opinions can give people cruel punishments. So this ammendment is about how we should all protect cruel and unusual punishment.
-Isabela Janashvili
Period 4

Zeelex_101 said...

Michael Vitale 931 P.4

I think, currently, the american constitution is fine, as is. There is no reason why it should be changed.(to my knowledge)

The constitution has fairness to everyone (currently).
The only thing i think should be changed is the ammendment that says right to bear arms, that should be updated and brought up with current gun laws.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion an ammendment that i propose should be added to the constitution is: lower the legal age limit for a license from 18 to at least 16. I say this because it is easier for a teenager still in high school to apply for a license than a graduate working & attending college classes .

-Taschya Maisonet
pd. 4